Spanish Phrases for Kids
Counting? Telling time? Learning the solar system? Do it in SPANISH! Incorporate these simple Spanish phrases for kids into your family’s daily routine — on the playground, at dinner, doing chores, or getting ready for bed.
Spanish Vocabulary for Spring
The sun is out, flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, and everything is full of colors, so let’s learn Spanish vocabulary for Spring!
Spanish Words and Phrases for St. Patrick’s Day + DIY
Have fun with your kids learning these Spanish words and phrases for St. Patrick’s Day along with our fun DIY craft project!
Wild Animal Names in Spanish
Learning animal names in Spanish is a great approach to Spanish learning for kids. Let’s learn the Spanish names for wild animals today!
Farm Animal Names in Spanish
Learning animal names in Spanish is a great approach to Spanish learning for kids. Let’s learn the Spanish names for farm animals today!
Top 50 Spanish Words and Phrases for Kids: A Parent’s Guide to Essential Vocabulary
As parents, we're always looking for ways to give our children a head start in life. One of the most valuable skills we can help them develop is learning a second language, and Spanish is an excellent choice. With over 500 million speakers...
Tips to Celebrate Halloween in a Spanish Speaking Country
Halloween is actually celebrated in many Hispanic countries! So, here are some tips to celebrate Halloween in a Spanish speaking country.
Spanish Words and Phrases for Halloween
We’d love to help your family celebrate Halloween in Spanish. So here are some Spanish words and phrases for Halloween that kids must know.
My Kids Get Frustrated When Speaking Spanish and Start Speaking English
There are effective strategies to help your kids stop switching to English and start speaking Spanish. Let’s explore some!
3 Steps to Get Your Kid Responding in Spanish
Learn how to get your kids to respond more in Spanish without all of you getting irritable with each other.
Learn the Phrase “¿Has viajado…?”
Ready to learn the phrase “has viajado…?” It’s the perfect question to start a conversation and make some friends talking about trips.
Free Websites for Kids to Learn Spanish
There are many websites out there aiming to help children learn Spanish. Here’s our guide to Free Websites for Kids to Learn Spanish.
Spanish Vocabulary for Kids that Dance Ballet
Have children that dance ballet? It’s a great opportunity to practice their Spanish vocabulary while doing something they love!
Spanish Slang They Do Not Teach You in School: “Deja” Verb
Today’s TikTok mini lesson is all about the Spanish slang verb “deja”, which is used in a very colloquial way.
Names in Spanish of Different Holidays
While celebrating holidays, kids can also improve their Spanish by learning the names in Spanish of different holidays and celebrations.
Spanish Words and Phrases for the 4th of July + Stylish DIY
Besides learning the history and culture of the U.S. and having fun, your kids can also learn Spanish celebrating the 4th of July! 🇺🇸
A Couple of Days at the Beach in Spanish with Maestra Brenda
Maestra Brenda is at the beach! This is the perfect opportunity to teach all kids about the beach in Spanish.
Spanish Antonyms for Kids
When your kids are learning Spanish there are certain topics that are a must. Synonyms and antonyms are one of them.
Spanish Recipe: Cook Fried Plantain with Your Kids
We teach Spanish through cool activities, and that includes teaching you some popular recipes in Spanish, like these fried plantains!
Llamitas Spanish Product Review
Llamitas Spanish® provides formal, academic curricula for families raising bilingual kids with engaging themes rooted in Hispanic culture.
Spanish Words and Phrases for the Cinco de Mayo Festivities
By celebrating Cinco de Mayo, kids will learn about Mexico’s history and traditions, have fun, and acquire and practice the Spanish language.
Maestra Brenda Teaches: “Things Mexicans Say When the Party is Over”
Have you ever been to a party and was sad when it was over? Come learn with maestra Brenda things Mexicans say when the party’s over.
Animal Names in Spanish
Learning the Spanish names for different kinds of animals will help your child identify wildlife, talk about their pets, and recognize the names of their favorite creatures…
Disgusting Feelings and Emotions in Spanish
If your kid’s second language is Spanish, make sure they learn how to express how they feel, even disgusting feelings and emotions.
Spanish Synonyms for Kids
One of the most important topics for kids learning Spanish to know are synonyms and antonyms in order to properly express themselves.
Using the Calendar in Spanish
Help your kids learn Spanish words and phrases associated with using a calendar: months, days, holidays, and more!
Useful Spanish Words for Kids at School
Prep your child for entering a Spanish-speaking school. We have a lot of the most useful Spanish words and phrases for kids while at school!
Learn Spanish Through Stories: Pirate Movie
One of the best ways to learn Spanish as a second language is through story time. Kids find it fun and interesting.
Spanish New Year’s Celebration & Traditions
Use these Spanish words & phrases during your New Year’s celebration & learn about Spanish-speaking country’s traditions during the holiday!
Organize Your Own Mexican Christmas Posada
Mexican Christmas posadas – or posada navideñas, as they’re called in Spanish – are an awesome way to get into the Christmas spirit.
TFK Founder Gives a Spanish Lesson for Kids: Preparing Food
TruFluency Kids’ founder, Micah Bellieu, shows you some tips and tricks on preparing food in Spanish with your children.
Spanish Maestro Neftalí Teaches: ¿Has Probado? (Have You Tried?)
For today’s lesson, Maestro (teacher) Neftalí teaches us the perfect Mexican expressions about food for your kids to learn.
Setting the Table in Spanish with Maestra Brenda
If your kids are learning Spanish, make sure they’re learning useful words and phrases for everyday chores, like setting the table!
Learn the Spanish Pronunciation of Different Countries – A Geography Lesson
If your kids are learning Spanish, then check out our guide on the Spanish pronunciation of different countries!
Scary Feelings and Emotions in Spanish
Learning how to express their feelings is an important part of your kids’ language learning. Help them express scary feelings with this helpful blog.
Angry Feelings and Emotions in Spanish
If your kids are learning Spanish as a second language, it’s very important they learn to express their emotions in Spanish.
Veggies in Spanish
Last week we learned the names of fruits in Spanish, and this week we will learn the Spanish vocabulary for vegetables!
Fruits in Spanish
Fruits are one of the things kids love to eat the most, which makes them a must-learn part of their Spanish vocabulary.
Sad Feelings and Emotions in Spanish
Are your kids learning Spanish? Then it’s important they learn sad feelings and emotions in Spanish so they can express how they feel.
Months of the Year in Spanish
Months are a basic part of your kids’ Spanish vocabulary, so here’s the perfect guide to the months of the year in Spanish for your kids.
Spanish Words to Teach Your Kids for Vacation
Planning a family vacation? Awesome! That’s one of the best ways your kids can practice their Spanish skills.
Spanish Homophones Kids Must Know
When kids are learning Spanish, it’s normal for them to be confused by these common Spanish homophone words.
Spanish Words & Phrases for Kids Playing Baseball
Practicing their Spanish while playing baseball is a fantastic way for your kids to work on their fluency, especially with all the Spanish speakers in CA, FL, and TX!
Basic Math Words and Phrases in Spanish
The first thing to solve math problems in Spanish is learning the basic math words and phrases in Spanish.
Spanish Words & Phrases for Kids Playing Soccer
With the large number of Spanish speaking soccer players, especially in Texas, California, and Florida, practicing Spanish while playing soccer can be a great way for your kids to work on their fluency!
Family Members in Spanish
TruFluency Kids knows the best way to practice Spanish is to use it at home, so here’s how to say the most basic family members in Spanish.
Spanish Maestro Neftalí Teaches ¿Adónde vas? (Where are you going?)
Maestro Neftalí shares fun Spanish tongue twisters + learn con and sin through Maestra Soraya’s favorite desserts!
Spanish Maestra Soraya Teaches ¿Cuánto cuesta? (How much does it cost?)
Maestro Neftalí shares fun Spanish tongue twisters + learn con and sin through Maestra Soraya’s favorite desserts!
Spanish Greetings and Goodbyes for Kids
You can help your children get an amazing Spanish education by teaching them these TruFluency Kids’ important Spanish greetings and goodbyes.
Fun Spanish Tongue Twisters with Maestro Neftalí and Maestra Soraya Shares Her Favorite Desserts
Maestro Neftalí shares fun Spanish tongue twisters + learn con and sin through Maestra Soraya’s favorite desserts!
Learn to say “Me duele…” + Phrases for a Doctor’s Visit!
Learn with Maestro Neftalí while he shows us how to say what hurts when sick + Spanish phrases for a doctor’s visit!
Spanish Recipe: Make Tamales with Your Kids
TruFluency Kids has the perfect Spanish recipe for you to make tamales with your kids! Check it out and learn some language along the way.
Learn to say “Este año quiero…” + Meet Maestra Soraya!
Learn with Maestro Neftalí while he shows us how to say what new year resolutions we have chosen to accomplish + meet Maestra Soraya!
Learn the Solar System in Spanish
Learn the name of the Solar System in Spanish! We have Spanish songs to help children learn + more astronomy vocabulary & phrases.
Superhero Phrases in Spanish
Children love and emulate their favorite superheroes. So encourage them to speak Spanish with these superhero phrases in Spanish!
Learn About Christmas Traditions in Mexico
Learn about the many Christmas traditions in Mexico! It is a fun and memorable way to give your kids some Spanish language practice.
Learn the Spanish Question “¿Por qué?” + Phrases for the Holidays
Learn with Maestro Neftalí while he teaches the question “Por qué” for different situations + Maestra Ixchel teaches phrases for the holidays!
Spanish Words & Phrases for the Christmas Holiday
Use these Spanish words & phrases during your Christmas holiday! We have words for holiday decorating, phrases for opening gifts, carols, & more!
Learn the Spanish Word “Hay” and Days of the Week
Follow and repeat in Spanish with Maestro Neftalí while he teaches the word “Hay” in a house full of animals! Plus, meet Maestro Juan!
3 Spanish Responses to “Quieres” Questions
Follow and repeat in Spanish with Maestra Zaira while she teaches 3 responses to “¿Quieres…?” questions. Plus, meet Maestro Ulises!
Mexican Games and Toys for Kids
Here is a list of great Mexican games and toys to play with your kids. They will learn about Mexican culture while practicing their Spanish!
How to Make a Mexican Party for Kids
Learn how to create the perfect Mexican party for kids to have fun and help your child learn Spanish!
¿Dónde estás? Spanish Tongue Twister
Follow and repeat in Spanish with Maestra Victoria while she teaches three answers to the question, “¿Dónde estás?”
Spanish Science Experiment & Meet a Teacher
Your kids will love exploring colored water & oil. PLUS a surprise ingredient makes this Spanish science experiment exciting!
¿Qué tienes? Bilingual Kids are Confident!
Follow and repeat in Spanish with Maestro Zaira while she teaches three answers to the question, “¿Qué tienes?”
50 Positive Things Every Kid Needs to Hear (in English and Spanish)
Check out our top 50 positive things every kid needs to hear in both English & Spanish.
Sneaky Ways to Incorporate Spanish into your Child’s Daily Life
Do your kids ask you tons of questions? Have them use Spanish to ask you these three common questions.
Hola! Encourage your Kids to Try these Activities.
Kids become bilingual by doing activities in and speaking the language. Let’s make certain all our kids are ready for the future of bilingualism!
Make Chore Cards in Spanish & English
Make your chore cards do double duty by incorporating Spanish for an extra bilingual practice opportunity!
Add Spanish to your Bedtime Routine
Further your child’s knowledge of Spanish words and phrases by incorporating these Spanish phrases, stories, & lullabies at bedtime.
How to Use Spanish at your Thanksgiving Celebration
Use Spanish at your Thanksgiving table this year! Here are Spanish names for Thanksgiving foods, phrases for in the kitchen, & more.
How to Say “Pick Up” in Spanish | Phrases to Use with your Child
We’re back with Alex’s favorite Spanish phrase to use daily with your bilingual child. Learn how to say “pick up” in Spanish, a phrase all parents can relate to.
How to Say “When” in Spanish | Phrases to Use with your Child
Using easy, everyday phrases at home is a great way to help your child learn another language. Today, Micah and Alex discuss how to say “when” in Spanish, definitely a useful word for conversations with your kids!
How to Say “Where are you Going” in Spanish | Phrases to Use with your Child
Micah and Alex are back with another useful Spanish phrase you can use daily with your child – how to ask “Where are you going?” Raising a bilingual child is a process that starts at home, and we’re here to help!
How to Say “I Don’t Know” in Spanish | Phrases to Use with your Child
Today we discuss an important Spanish phrase to teach your bilingual child – how to say “I don’t know.” Teaching your child a second language can be a challenge, but we’re here to help!
How to Say “What do you want to drink?” in Spanish | Phrases to Use with your Child
Helping your child to become bilingual starts at home, and we’re here to help with everyday phrases you can use with your child! Today we’ll discuss the Spanish phrase for “What do you want to drink?”
How to Say “Let’s Eat” & “Pass the (Salt)” in Spanish | Phrases to Use with your Child
Helping your child to become bilingual can be challenging! We have two Spanish phrases that you can easily use with your child every day to help. In this video, we introduce “Let’s Eat” and “Pass the (Salt)”.
How to say Excuse Me & Please in Spanish | Phrases to Learn with your Child
Micah Bellieu and Alex Gastelum-Sullivan of TruFluency Kids! Spanish Immersion Live Online give you a weekly phrase to use with your child. This week they teach you about Con Permiso and Por Favor.
Easy Spanish Phrases to Teach Your Kids in the Bathroom
Spice up your vocabulary and conversations in the bathroom with your kids using with these Spanish phrases for the bathroom.
Easy Spanish Phrases for the Playground
Kids tend to be social creatures and the playground is the perfect place for them to meet new friends, all day long. Here are some Spanish words and phrases that can be helpful while having fun on the playground.
Easy Spanish Phrases for Kids
How to teach your kids at some basic Spanish phrases, so that they can greet others, introduce themselves, and ask basic questions – all in Spanish!
More Free Spanish Resources
Spanish Shows
Spanish Games
Spanish Songs
Spanish Activities
Spanish Books
Spanish Vocabulary
Try 2 Spanish Classes for Only $9
Wondering if your child would benefit from online Spanish classes with fun, energetic teachers? Take our trial classes! They are very small (no more than 6 per class) and take place every Saturday and Sunday at 1, 2 & 3 pm (CST). Register today!