Spanish Videos for Kids
Sometimes you have to hear a Spanish phrase over and over before it clicks. That’s why we have some of the most common Spanish phrases in short videos for your child (and you) to watch as much as you need. If you haven’t met any of our teachers yet, check them out below!
TFK Tik Tok Spanish Lesson: How to Express Disgust in Spanish
If your children are learning Spanish, our TFK teacher has the perfect TikTok lesson to help them learn how to express disgust in Spanish.
TikTok Spanish Lesson: Real-Life Phrases with “¿Te gusta?”
Check out TruFluencyKid’s quick and fun TikTok Spanish Lesson on real-life phrases with “¿te gusta?” (¿do you like it?).
A Couple of Days at the Beach in Spanish with Maestra Brenda
Maestra Brenda is at the beach! This is the perfect opportunity to teach all kids about the beach in Spanish.
TFK Tik Tok Spanish Lesson: Pet Names in Spanish
TFK’s Tik Tok Spanish Lesson on pet names in Spanish will be useful for both parents and children, with many ways to express your love.
Maestra Brenda Teaches: “Things Mexicans Say When the Party is Over”
Have you ever been to a party and was sad when it was over? Come learn with maestra Brenda things Mexicans say when the party’s over.
How Can My Child Become Fluent in Spanish?
Check out Micah’s video discussing “How Can My Child Become Fluent in Spanish?” for help with your child’s Spanish learning.
Tik Tok Spanish Lesson: How to Make Your Kid Respond in Spanish
If your kids are learning Spanish, a great way to help them practice is by asking questions in that language.
Habbi Habbi Bilingual Books Review
Micah Bellieu, founder of TruFluency Kids, discusses what Habbi Habbi bilingual books really have to offer.
Can Duolingo Make Your Child Fluent?
Micah Bellieu, founder of TruFluency Kids, talks about whether the online language learning app Duolingo can make your child fluent.
TFK Founder Gives a Spanish Lesson for Kids: Preparing Food
TruFluency Kids’ founder, Micah Bellieu, shows you some tips and tricks on preparing food in Spanish with your children.
Spanish Maestro Neftalí Teaches: ¿Has Probado? (Have You Tried?)
For today’s lesson, Maestro (teacher) Neftalí teaches us the perfect Mexican expressions about food for your kids to learn.
Setting the Table in Spanish with Maestra Brenda
If your kids are learning Spanish, make sure they’re learning useful words and phrases for everyday chores, like setting the table!
Spanish Maestro Neftalí Teaches ¿Adónde vas? (Where are you going?)
Maestro Neftalí shares fun Spanish tongue twisters + learn con and sin through Maestra Soraya’s favorite desserts!
Spanish Maestra Soraya Teaches ¿Cuánto cuesta? (How much does it cost?)
Maestro Neftalí shares fun Spanish tongue twisters + learn con and sin through Maestra Soraya’s favorite desserts!
Fun Spanish Tongue Twisters with Maestro Neftalí and Maestra Soraya Shares Her Favorite Desserts
Maestro Neftalí shares fun Spanish tongue twisters + learn con and sin through Maestra Soraya’s favorite desserts!
Learn to say “Me duele…” + Phrases for a Doctor’s Visit!
Learn with Maestro Neftalí while he shows us how to say what hurts when sick + Spanish phrases for a doctor’s visit!
Learn to say “Este año quiero…” + Meet Maestra Soraya!
Learn with Maestro Neftalí while he shows us how to say what new year resolutions we have chosen to accomplish + meet Maestra Soraya!
Learn the Spanish Question “¿Por qué?” + Phrases for the Holidays
Learn with Maestro Neftalí while he teaches the question “Por qué” for different situations + Maestra Ixchel teaches phrases for the holidays!
Learn the Spanish Word “Hay” and Days of the Week
Follow and repeat in Spanish with Maestro Neftalí while he teaches the word “Hay” in a house full of animals! Plus, meet Maestro Juan!
3 Spanish Responses to “Quieres” Questions
Follow and repeat in Spanish with Maestra Zaira while she teaches 3 responses to “¿Quieres…?” questions. Plus, meet Maestro Ulises!
Rock, Paper, Scissors in Spanish
Follow and repeat in Spanish with Maestro Eduardo while he teaches rock, paper, scissors in Spanish.
¿Dónde estás? Spanish Tongue Twister
Follow and repeat in Spanish with Maestra Victoria while she teaches three answers to the question, “¿Dónde estás?”
Spanish Science Experiment & Meet a Teacher
Your kids will love exploring colored water & oil. PLUS a surprise ingredient makes this Spanish science experiment exciting!
¿Qué tienes? Bilingual Kids are Confident!
Follow and repeat in Spanish with Maestro Zaira while she teaches three answers to the question, “¿Qué tienes?”
Sneaky Ways to Incorporate Spanish into your Child’s Daily Life
Do your kids ask you tons of questions? Have them use Spanish to ask you these three common questions.
Activities for Kids to Promote Spanish Fluency
Participate in activities like these with your kids to help promote Spanish fluency!
Hola! Encourage your Kids to Try these Activities.
Kids become bilingual by doing activities in and speaking the language. Let’s make certain all our kids are ready for the future of bilingualism!
How to Say “Pick Up” in Spanish | Phrases to Use with your Child
We’re back with Alex’s favorite Spanish phrase to use daily with your bilingual child. Learn how to say “pick up” in Spanish, a phrase all parents can relate to.
How to Say “When” in Spanish | Phrases to Use with your Child
Using easy, everyday phrases at home is a great way to help your child learn another language. Today, Micah and Alex discuss how to say “when” in Spanish, definitely a useful word for conversations with your kids!
How to Say “Where are you Going” in Spanish | Phrases to Use with your Child
Micah and Alex are back with another useful Spanish phrase you can use daily with your child – how to ask “Where are you going?” Raising a bilingual child is a process that starts at home, and we’re here to help!
How to Say “I Don’t Know” in Spanish | Phrases to Use with your Child
Today we discuss an important Spanish phrase to teach your bilingual child – how to say “I don’t know.” Teaching your child a second language can be a challenge, but we’re here to help!
How to Say “What do you want to drink?” in Spanish | Phrases to Use with your Child
Helping your child to become bilingual starts at home, and we’re here to help with everyday phrases you can use with your child! Today we’ll discuss the Spanish phrase for “What do you want to drink?”
How to Say “Let’s Eat” & “Pass the (Salt)” in Spanish | Phrases to Use with your Child
Helping your child to become bilingual can be challenging! We have two Spanish phrases that you can easily use with your child every day to help. In this video, we introduce “Let’s Eat” and “Pass the (Salt)”.
How to say Excuse Me & Please in Spanish | Phrases to Learn with your Child
Micah Bellieu and Alex Gastelum-Sullivan of TruFluency Kids! Spanish Immersion Live Online give you a weekly phrase to use with your child. This week they teach you about Con Permiso and Por Favor.
Want to See More Videos for Kids Learning Spanish?