When learning their native language, it’s always important kids know how to express their feelings. Ever since they’re very little, they start learning vocabulary and expressions to do that. That way, all children can put a name to their feelings and ask for help to control their emotions or to feel better.

If your kids are learning Spanish as a second language, it’s very important they also learn those things in Spanish. Because in the future there might come a situation where they need to express themselves, their thoughts and the way they’re feeling in Spanish.

For example, what if they have a Hispanic friend or partner? Or what if they move abroad when they get older? Feelings are important in every language.

We already taught your children sad feelings in Spanish. Now, it’s time for anger. We know that’s not the nicest thing to go through, but it sometimes happens. So it’s important they know how to express it in the correct way.

So, here’s TruFluency Kids’ guide to express angry feelings and emotions in Spanish. Make sure to practice it every day with your kids.

23 Words in Spanish to Express Anger

  1. Anger – Enojo
  2. Frustration – Frustración
  3. Irritability – Irritabilidad
  4. Irritation – Irritación
  5. Annoyance – Molestia
  6. Exasperation – Exasperación
  7. To bother / To annoy – Molestar
  8. Nuisance – Fastidio
  9. Resentment – Resentimiento / Rencor
  10. To insult – Insultar
  11. To offend – Ofender
  12. To provoke – Provocar
  13. To infuriate – Enfurecer
  14. Enfuriating – Enfurecedor
  15. Hate – Odio
  16. Rage – Rabia
  17. Wrath – Ira
  18. Furor – Furor
  19. Displeasure – Disgusto
  20. Scream – Gritar
  21. Tantrum – Berrinche / Rabieta
  22. Aggression – Agresión
  23. Fight – Pelea

18 Adjectives in Spanish to Express Angry Feelings

  1. Angry – Enojado / Enojada
  2. Mad – Enojado / Enojada
  3. Annoyed – Molesto
  4. Furious – Furioso
  5. Pissed off – Enojado / Enojada / Molesto / Molesta
  6. Frustrated – Frustrado / Frustrada
  7. Exasperated – Exasperado
  8. Uptight – Tenso / Tensa
  9. Irritable – Irritable
  10. Displeased – Disgustado
  11. Outraged – Indignado / Indignada
  12. Offended – Ofendido
  13. Resentful – Resentido
  14. Sulky – Malhumorado
  15. Someone that’s throwing a tantrum – Berrinchudo
  16. Infuriated – Enfurecido
  17. Aggressive – Agresivo
  18. Grumpy – Gruñón

10 Spanish Phrases for Kids to Express Their Anger

Here are a few phrases in Spanish using the words above for kids to express they’re angry and why they feel that way.

  1. I’m angry/mad. / Estoy enojado (enojada).
  2. I’m infuriated, because my brother broke my toy. / ¡Estoy enfurecido, porque mi hermano rompió mi juguete!
  3. Mom! Susannah insulted me, punish her! / ¡Ma! ¡Susannah me dijo una grosería, castigala! / Ma! ¡Susannah me insultó, castigala!
  4. Doing homework makes me grumpy. / Hacer tarea me pone gruñón.
  5. Please, stop bothering me! / ¡Por favor, deja de molestarme!
  6. She’s bothering me. / Ella me está molestando.
  7. I’m so offended! / ¡Estoy tan ofendido! (ofendida).
  8. My classmates are so annoying. / Mis compañeros de clase son muy molestos.
  9. I’m frustrated, because I can’t go out if I don’t finish my homework. / Estoy frustrado (frustrada), porque no puedo salir si no acabo mi tarea.
  10. We lost our soccer match; we’re pissed off. / Perdimos el partido de fut/fútbol, estamos molestos.

*The words in parenthesis are the feminine way of the word they’re placed next to.

9 Spanish Phrases about Anger that Moms Say

Here are some phrases we sometimes hear moms, parents or tutors say to their kids related to their angry feelings.

  1. Why are you mad? / ¿Por qué estás enojado (enojada)?
  2. Don’t throw a tantrum! / ¡No hagas berrinche! / ¡No seas berrinchudo!
  3. Tell me how you feel, but don’t talk to me like that; I don’t wanna fight. / Dime cómo te sientes, pero no me hables así. No quiero pelear.
  4. Don’t be so grumpy. / No seas tan gruñón.
  5. Don’t fight, kids! / ¡No peleen, niños!
  6. Resentment is not nice, so try to forgive your brother. / El rencor no es lindo, así que trata de perdonar a tu hermano.
  7. Stop insulting your brother! / ¡Deja de insultar a tu hermano!
  8. Stop screaming, just tell me how you feel. / Deja de gritar, sólo dime cómo te sientes.
  9. Hey, don’t be aggressive! / ¡Oye, no seas agresivo (agresiva)!

3 Awesome Ways to Help Your Kids Learn These Words

Talk to them about their feelings

This one might seem obvious, but it’s never bad to repeat it. Talk to your kids about their feelings. It’s always important to talk with our children about their emotions and how they can control them.

It will make them feel cared, seen and like what they are feeling actually matters. Therefore, it will also make them feel more confident to talk to you, and even ask for your help, every time they feel something they haven’t felt before.

Now, we know that in important conversations like these we tend to talk with kids using their native language. But if we want them to become fluent in their second language, we must speak to them in that language.

Of course, if the situation is extremely important and they don’t have much vocabulary yet, then talk about their emotions in their first language. But if the situation allows it, encourage them to speak Spanish.

For example: Let’s say you’re playing a game in Spanish and they get mad because they think someone cheated. Tell your kids to express what they feel while still using Spanish words.

Another way they’ll feel motivated to speak about their emotions in Spanish is if they hear you discussing feelings in their target language.

So, for example, next time they arrive from school in a bad mood, ask them in Spanish how they are or what happened. “¿Cómo te sientes?” “¿Qué pasó?” “¿Por qué estás enojado?” You can also use some of the phrases above.

Or when you personally feel a specific emotion that you want to share, express it in Spanish.

For example, you can tell them: “Oye, sé que estaba enojada contigo, pero ya que lo arreglamos, ¿qué te parece si vamos por un helado?” (“Hey, I know I was angry at you, but since we already solved it out, what do you think if we go for an ice-cream?”).

Q&A about their favorite movie or show

You can watch their favorite movie or a chapter of their favorite show where you know that someone gets mad or angry. Remember to watch it in Spanish. Movies and series have a lot of adventures and show characters going through different emotions.

So, we’re sure you’ll find at least one moment of anger in a children’s movie or show. Then, ask your kids questions in Spanish about the show, specifically about the moment when the characters feel angry. That way, they’ll be forced to use their new Spanish vocabulary for angry feelings and emotions.

We’re aware maybe they can get bored doing that activity, because the Q&A can feel like an exam. If that’s the case, just make them watch the show by themselves and then casually ask them to tell you what happened in Spanish.

We’re sure that when it’s time to explain the angry moment to you, they’ll end up using some of the words above. This will be more fun to them, because it won’t be like an interrogation; you’ll be showing interest in their favorite show.

Read them a bedtime story in Spanish

Just like in movies and shows, books and tales also have tons of adventures, so eventually a character gets mad at something. Choose an interesting Spanish children’s book or tale to read to your kids at night.

When doing it, act out everything you read, especially the emotions. That way, if they don’t know the Spanish word for a specific feeling, they’ll understand it by seeing your expression. That’s an excellent way for them to put a Spanish name for angry feelings.

It will also help them remember the words better, as they’ll connect your face and gestures to the words you say. For example: When they want to say furioso in Spanish, they’ll think “mom made a furious face when saying ‘furioso’, so that must be the correct way to say it”.

You can also apply the Q&A game here. Just ask them questions about the angry moments in their bedtime story the next morning. To see how well they remember the vocabulary.

Children Learn Better How to Express Their Emotions in Spanish with TruFluency Kids

This vocabulary for angry feelings guide is the first step for kids to learn some emotions in Spanish. It will be very useful if you also apply the tips and tricks. But if you really want your kids to express all their feelings fluently in Spanish, enroll them in TruFluency Kids’ Spanish classes.

We have native tutors that will teach them more Spanish vocabulary about all kinds of feelings. More importantly, they’ll also make sure students use them in conversations. How? Easy, through our Bellieu Method, which focuses on speaking using what you’ve just learned. That means, we will make sure there’s speaking practice time in every class. That way, kids will reinforce their knowledge and achieve Spanish fluency little by little.

Don’t worry if your kid has a lot of energy. We know children need fun and interesting lessons, because they learn better that way. So, we implement entertaining activities during classes, like listening to Spanish songs, dancing, cooking and playing games.

Take a trial class now to see how we work. Then, sign up your kids for the next four-week session.