It’s time! Your kids’ Spanish language learning journey is going great, they know a few basic words. But now they must learn veggies in Spanish. Ugh, do they really have to learn one of the things they dislike the most?

Let’s be honest, kids usually dislike vegetables – or at least some of them – and it’s never easy to learn what you don’t like. But it’s necessary for kids to know these words, because they’re part of our everyday lives.

No worries, though. TruFluency Kids saves you the work of researching with our Spanish list of vegetables. We will also help you know the easiest ways for kids to learn this vocabulary.

Plus, we might throw a veggies recipe somewhere in the blog to make your kids fans of vegetables. That way, this whole learning process will be easier – and delicious – for you and your children. And hey, if they already like veggies, we bet with our guide they’ll fall even more in love with them.

40 Names of Vegetables in Spanish

  1. Carrot – Zanahoria
  2. Lettuce – Lechuga
  3. Onion – Cebolla
  4. Broccoli – Brócoli
  5. Cauliflower – Coliflor
  6. Chili – Chile
  7. Spinach – Espinaca
  8. Pumpkin – Calabaza
  9. Potatoes – Papas / Patatas
  10. Beans – Frijoles
  11. Mushrooms – Setas
  12. Mushrooms – Champiñones (a type of “seta”)
  13. Pepper – Pimiento / Pimiento morrón
  14. Red pepper – Pimiento rojo
  15. Green pepper – Pimiento verde
  16. Yellow pepper – Pimiento amarillo
  17. Orange pepper – Pimiento naranja
  18. Corn – Elote
  19. Olives – Aceitunas
  20. Celery – Apio
  21. Garlic – Ajo
  22. Zucchini – Calabacín
  23. Peas – Chícharos / Guisantes / Arvejas
  24. Sweet potato – Camote / Batata
  25. Asparagus – Espárragos
  26. Chayote squash – Chayote
  27. Cabbage – Repollo
  28. White cabbage – Col blanca / Col
  29. Red cabbage / Purple cabbage – Col morada
  30. Kale – Col rizada / Kale
  31. Green beans – Ejotes / Habichuelas / Judías verdes
  32. Beet – Betabel / Remolacha
  33. Brussels sprouts – Coles de bruselas
  34. Radish – Rábano
  35. Artichoke – Alcachofa
  36. Parsley – Perejil
  37. Coriander – Cilantro
  38. Chard / Swiss chard – Acelga
  39. Leek – Puerro
  40. Nopal / Prickly pear pad / Cactus pad – Nopal

How Can Kids Learn Veggies in Spanish

Giving your kids the Spanish veggies vocabulary printed list and making them memorize all of it is not the best teaching hack. They might learn it for an exam but forget it right away.

This is likely a more stressful, boring way of teaching. There are other things you can do to help your kids learn faster and better and retain the knowledge. We tell you how:

Teach Through Chunks of Information

As you can see in the list above, there are way too many vegetables in the world. They all have different flavors, are used in different dishes and have their very own Spanish names.

This means that kids have to learn a lot of words in another language! It could be complicated if you make them memorize word by word all at once. Especially because there are some weird veggies kids might still not be familiar with and therefore might not even know their English names.

To make it easier, divide the list above in chunks of five or ten. If you notice, the first words in the list are the most common veggies. As the list goes on, the vegetables start to be more and more uncommon.

So, it’s best for children to learn the veggies they know better first. For example: In this case, they first would learn the words “zanahoria”, “lechuga”, “cebolla”, “brócoli”, and “coliflor”. Gradually, start leveling up the game by adding more words to their studying time.

Memory Card Game

TruFluency Kids has created a memory card game DIY for kids learning Spanish. So, you’ll not only play, but also craft the game! So, parents and children will have a busy and fun day improving your crafting and language skills, while bonding.

In our DIY blog, we suggest some basic Spanish words to put on the cards. But now we recommend you not to use those words. This is because right now your goal is for your kids to learn the names of the vegetables in Spanish. So it would be better to use the words of the list above in your memory cards. That way the whole game will be about veggies. One of the best things about this game is that it has pictures.

Having the words written down plus the pictures will make the whole learning process easier for children. And they’ll remember everything better. You’ll see how much fun your kids will have! They’ll also start relating vegetables to fun, so hopefully it’ll be easier for them to eat them.

Play Chef

We know that it might be difficult to get your kids to eat their veggies, but if you cook something alongside them you might get them to do it. We bet they’ll love to eat what they cooked themselves. Plus, games and cooking are part of a great immersive language learning method.

Which here at TruFluency Kids we believe is the best way to become fluent in a new language. So, playing chef with your kids is an amazing way to make sure they learn vegetables vocabulary in Spanish in a fun way.

Make sure to cook a recipe that has tons of veggies. While you’re doing it, show all the veggies you use and say their Spanish names out loud. That way, your kids will learn them in a casual way, and it won’t feel forced.

Don’t forget to include your kids as chefs; they can do the easy parts of the recipe, maybe even do the plating. Just make sure they use the veggies.

Grated Carrot and Kale Chips with Chili Recipe in Spanish

If you want to play chef with your kids like we just told you, here’s the perfect recipe for you. It’s very easy and fast, so there’s no doubt your children can help you with it. Oh, and it works great as a snack or for their school lunch. Everything is explained in Spanish, so you can use this kitchen and cooking vocabulary with your kids.

Lo que necesitarás (what you’ll need):

  • 2 zanahorias (o todas las que quieras) (two carrots) (or all you want)
  • Unas cuantas hojas de kale (a few kale leaves)
  • Aceite (oil)
  • LimĂłn (lemon)
  • Sal (salt)
  • Chile en polvo (chile piquĂ­n o el de preferencia) (chili powder) (piquin chili powder or the one of your preference)

Pasos (steps):

  1. Pon un chorrito de aceite en un sartén (put a bit of oil in a pan)
  2. Parte las hojas de kale en cachitos y ponlas en el sartén (break the kale leaves into small pieces and put them in the pan)
  3. Deja que frían los pedazos de kale. Muévelos de vez en cuando para que se frían de ambos lados (let the kale pieces fry. Move them every now and then, so both sides are fried)
  4. Mientras tanto, ralla las zanahorias en un plato hondo (meanwhile, grate the carrots into a bowl)
  5. Ya que frieron los pedazos de kale, sacalos en un plato y ponles una servilleta encima para que les absorba el exceso de aceite (Once the kale pieces are fried, put them into a plate and put a napkin on top of them so it absorbs the excess of oil)
  6. Vierte los pedazos de kale frita en el mismo plato en el que está la zanahoria (Put the kale fried chips on the same bowl that the carrot is in)
  7. Agrega chile, limĂłn y sal al gusto (Add as much chili, lemon and salt as you wish)

*Notarás que los pedazos de kale están crujientes, como unas papas fritas. (You’ll notice de pieces of kale are crunchy, like chips).

Learn Other Recipes and Ways of Learning Spanish with TruFluency Kids

Are you still hungry? Perfect! TruFluency Kids has the best recipes in Spanish to teach your kids and the best Spanish lessons to enrich their lives. In every single one of our classes, we’ll have a fun activity, so children enjoy learning.

This includes teaching them how to cook some recipes in Spanish, but also singing, dancing, playing games, and crafting. With this kind of teaching your kids will not only have fun and learn a second language, but also develop other awesome skills!

Our Spanish teaching method is the Bellieu method, which consists of speaking using what you’ve learned. So kids won’t forget their new knowledge and will strengthen it through practice. It’s also the perfect method to become Spanish fluent.

All lessons are completely online, and we have flexible schedules. So no matter where you live, your kids can study with us. And if for any reasons they missed a class, tell us and they can jump into another one to make up for it. We know the crazy and busy world of parenting, so we just want to make it easier for you.

We know you want some proof, so why not check out our testimonials. You can also read our blogs for some free resources into learning Spanish or even take a trial class. Once you’re convinced we’re the best option for your kids’ happy journey into bilingualism, sign them up for our next four-week session.