As the parent of bilingual children, you must always look for ways of helping your kids improve after school hours. As if that weren’t not enough, you should also make sure dual language practice is fun. Otherwise, your kids might get bored, distracted and the knowledge won’t stick to them. We know, we know, that sounds like a difficult task.

But we’re here to tell you one of the best ways for your kids to practice their Spanish at home. And that is learning the family members in Spanish! After all, they’re always surrounded by family.

So this will allow your kids to enlarge their Spanish vocabulary every day! There’s no better way of improving than by practicing with something from your daily life.

Spanish Words for Family Members

A family can be very large, from mom and dad to great grandparents and more. But here are the 38 most basic family members in Spanish your kids must know.

If you want to know the pronunciation for each word in detail, we recommend you check the SpanishDict dictionary.

  1. Madre – Mother
  2. Father – Padre
  3. Mamá – Mom
  4. Papá – Dad
  5. Mami – Mommy
  6. Papi – Daddy
  7. Hermano – Brother
  8. Hermana – Sister
  9. Hermanos – Siblings
  10. Abuela – Grandmother
  11. Abuelo – Grandfather
  12. Abuelita / Abue – Grandma
  13. Abuelito / Abue – Grandpa
  14. Abuelos / Abuelitos – Grandparents
  15. Tío – Uncle
  16. Tía – Aunt
  17. Tíos – Uncles
  18. Tías – Aunts
  19. Prima – Female cousin
  20. Primo – Male cousin
  21. Primos – Cousins
  22. Hijo – Son
  23. Hija – Daughter
  24. Hijos – Children
  25. Esposo / Marido – Husband
  26. Esposa – Wife
  27. Nieto – Grandson
  28. Nieta – Granddaughter
  29. Nietos – Grandchildren
  30. Sobrina – Niece
  31. Sobrino – Nephew
  32. Padrastro – Stepfather
  33. Madrastra – Stepmother
  34. Medio hermano – Half-brother
  35. Media hermana – Half-sister
  36. Medios hermanos – Half siblings
  37. Hermanastro – Stepbrother
  38. Hermanastra – Stepsister

Ways Your Kids Can Practice the Family Members in Spanish

For a kid to absolutely learn any word in Spanish, they have to use it in their everyday lives. Otherwise, they might forget it and think it’s not that important to learn it, because they don’t use it enough.

So, here are some ways for your kids to practice the family words above to truly learn them.

  • The best practice would be for children to call their family in Spanish. For example, your kids could call their uncle “tío”, instead of using the English word. Same with all the other family members. This is the best way because they would be practicing the Spanish words with the real people in their family. So, it would be easier for them not only to memorize the word but also the meaning. If they call their uncle “tío”, they will understand and remember what that Spanish word means.
  • Set an example for your kids. Kids imitate what their parents do and learn from them. So, you should also call your family members in Spanish. For example, instead of calling your sister by her name, you could call her “hermana”. Your kids will want to do the same and start using their Spanish vocabulary with their family. Just make sure that they use the right word. That is, they shouldn’t call their aunt (your sister) “hermana”, but rather “tía”.
  • Watch a Spanish family friendly show or movie. This way, you’ll hear the words for different family members in Spanish. You’ll also watch examples of what their role in the family is. By doing that, your kids will acquire the vocabulary without even noticing, because they will be too busy having fun with the show. It can be a cartoon, or it can even be something you’ll also enjoy, like Full House dubbed in Spanish.
  • Enroll your kids in fun Spanish classes. If you enroll them in a Spanish immersion program, they’ll get to practice their new vocabulary in Spanish. Because these programs are not about memorizing for an exam and forgetting. They’re about learning useful things in a complete Spanish environment and practicing them. And if you’re wondering where can you find classes like this? Easy! TruFluency Kids has some of the most fun and immersive Spanish classes ever.

Learn Even More Spanish Vocabulary with TruFluency Kids

You just learned TruFluency Kids’ Spanish classes are one of the best ways for kids to practice their new Spanish vocabulary about family. They’ll get to learn even more words and practice them with their native teachers and classmates. But that’s not it!

We also teach kids other useful vocabulary, like parts of the body in Spanish or the numbers in Spanish. Their knowledge will expand so much that they’ll also get to know the names of the planets in Spanish! You’ll notice that, eventually, your children will talk about different topics in Spanish.

Our teachers will also make sure kids improve in all areas of the language: listening, reading. Grammar and speaking. All through fun activities, like games and songs. There will also be speaking time in every class, so children achieve Spanish fluency.
Don’t wait any longer. Register for our next four-week session and give your kids the benefits of bilingualism.