Spring has finally arrived! The sun is out, flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, and everything is full of colors. Oh, and us? Well, we’re learning some Spanish words and phrases for Spring. Cool, right? Do you want to learn with us?
Spanish vocabulary for Spring will be very useful for when your kids travel abroad to a Hispanic country. It’s also one of the first things they should learn in their Spanish classes. This is because the seasons of the year are a basic topic and a very important one all around the world.
Plus, it’s super fun and something from our daily life. And let’s be honest, kids love learning through beautiful, interesting topics like this one. It’s especially easy if it’s something from their everyday life.
So, if you love Spring just as much as us, come join us on this Spring learning adventure!
Spanish Words for Spring
- Spring – Primavera
- Seasons of the year – Estaciones del año
- Sun – Sol
- Flower – Flores
- Rainbow – Arcoiris
- Leaf – Hoja
- Earth – Tierra
- Bee – Abeja
- Bird – Pájaro
- Butterfly – Mariposa
- Snail – Caracol
- Ladybug – Mariquita
- Worm – Lombriz
- Frog – Rana
- Grass – Pasto
- Water – Agua
- Rain – Lluvia
- Nest – Nido
- Pollen – Polen
- Colors – Colores
- Colorful – Colorido
- Spring-like – Primaveral
- March – Marzo
- April – Abril
- May – Mayo
- June – Junio
Flowers in Spanish
Here are the Spanish names of some popular flowers. This is a nice thing to learn for kids as they usually love flowers and the colors they bring to the world. It’s also important because they see them all around, inside the house and outside, especially in spring.
- Sunflower – Girasol
- Rose – Rosa
- Tulip – Tulipán
- Daffodil – Narciso
- Daisy – Margarita
- Lily – Lirio
- Violet – Violeta
- Jasmin – Jazmín
- Orchid – Orquídea
- Carnation – Clavel
Now we’re going to tell you about a beautiful tree popular in Mexico that always blooms colorful, lilac flowers in Spring. It is called “jacaranda” and people call its flowers “jacarandas”. If you ever travel to Mexico during Spring you’ll see purple everywhere, because these trees are very common there.
It’s also something locals always look forward to when Spring is coming. So there you go, now you know a new word in Spanish and something to be excited about for your trip to Mexico.
Spring Weather Terms in Spanish
If your children want to describe the weather during this colorful season, they’re going to need specific words. So we present you here with some of the perfect Spanish words for that:
- Sunny – Soleado
- Breezy – Ventoso
- Drizzle – Llovizna
- Spring-like – Primaveral
- Hot – Calor
- Warm – Cálido
- Humid – Húmedo
- Dry – Seco
- Lluvioso – Rainy
- Mild – Templado
- Tornado – Tornado
- Floods – Inundaciones
- Electric storm – Tormenta eléctrica
Give Your Child the Gift of Spanish!
Spanish Verbs for Spring Activitiest
There are many amazing activities kids can start doing once Winter is finally over and Spring arrives. Here we present you some verbs in Spanish that are super related to those Spring activities.
- To water – Regar
- To bloom – Florecer
- To ride – Montar
- To play – Jugar
- To plant – Plantar
- To run – Correr
- To go – Ir
- To camp – Acampar
- To hike – Ir de excursión
- To jump – Brincar
Phrases in Spanish for Springtime
Here are some phrases in Spanish related to Spring. You’ll notice we use some of the vocabulary above, so your kids know how to put it into practice.
- Yay, Spring is finally here! / Sí! ¡La primavera por fin llegó!
- My favorite season of the year is Spring. / Mi estación del año favorita es Primavera.
- Mom, can we go camping, please? / Mamá, ¿podemos ir a acampar, por favor?
- Can I water the flowers? / ¿Puedo regar las plantas?
- I love sunflowers! / ¡Amo los girasoles!
- Ouch! I got stinged by a bee while I was playing / ¡Ouch! Me picó una abeja mientras jugaba.
- Look at the birds; they’re chirping! / ¡Mira los pájaros, están cantando!
- The sun is shining a lot today. / El sol está brillando mucho hoy.
- I’m going to ride my bicycle with my friends. / Voy a montar mi bicleta con mis amigos.
- Dad, guess what? We’re going to a farm for the annual Spring school trip! / ¿Papá, adivina qué? ¡Vamos a ir a una granja por el viaje escolar anual de primavera!
- I think my little brother is allergic to pollen; he’s been sneezing a lot since Spring started. / Creo que mi hermano pequeño es alérgico al polen, ha estado estornudando mucho desde que empezó la primavera.
- I watched many jacarandas on my trip to Mexico. / Vi muchas jacarandas en mi viaje a México.
- My favorite month is March, because Spring starts. / Mi mes favorito es Marzo, porque empieza la primavera.
- Flowers are going to bloom very beautifully, because it’s been very sunny. / Las flores van a florecer muy bonito, porque ha estado muy soleado.
- The atmosphere already feels very Spring-like! / ¡El ambiente ya se siente muy primaveral!
Spanish Idioms About Spring
Every country and culture has its own idioms, with which they try to express different things. Idioms are a very important part of a culture and a language; everybody uses them daily. And guess what?
There are some Spanish idioms about Spring, and we will show you some. Kids might hear them every now and then in a Hispanic country and they can even use them themselves.
- Mucha flor en primavera, buen otoño nos espera. (A lot of flowers in spring, good autumn awaits us.)
This one is used to express that seeing many flowers during Spring means there’s already been a good amount of rain. So we’ll be ready for autumn when it comes, as it won’t be extremely rainy then.
- Golondrinas anticipadas, primavera templada. (Early swallows, mild spring.)
Swallows are birds that are sensitive to cold weather, this means that when winter comes, they go to hotter weathers. So this idiom is used to say that when swallows come earlier, it means the weather it’s a bit colder than usual.
- Cuando marzo va a mediar, debe la primavera empezar. (When March is going to reach mid-month, spring must begin.)
This one is great for kids to remember when Spring arrives. In many countries, Spring comes on March 19. This idiom makes a reference to that, and it means Spring starts mid-month. Because even before the 19th, the first nods to the arrival of this season start blooming.
- Cuando abril abrilea, luce bien la primavera. (When April is April-like, spring looks good.)
This means that in April it’s spring and if April it’s true to itself, Spring will be great in this month.
- Cuando al sapo ves andar, agua primaveral. (When you see the toad walking, spring water.)
This idiom makes a reference to something that happens in Spring. Which is that many animals come to the surface, to the outdoors, even during Spring rains, like the toad.
- Ni primavera sin golondrina, ni despensa sin harina. (Neither spring without a swallow, nor a pantry without flour.)
This means that a swallow belongs to Spring as flour to the pantry. That is, it’s essential to have swallows in Spring and flour in a pantry.
Watch Your Kids Bloom into Masters of the Spanish Language with TruFluency Kids
Your kids are ready to take on Spring in any Spanish speaking country now. But there’s still much more to learn. Don’t worry, though. From veggies in Spanish, to Math in Spanish and even some Spanish games, TruFluency Kids can help your children learn everything they need to.
We offer Spanish immersion classes, which means students learn in a completely Spanish environment, we barely speak English. This way, they’ll start acquiring the language in a natural way and they’ll train their ear at all times.
We also teach through fun activities. We sing, dance, cook, play games and do crafts in Spanish. That’s how we are so sure not only parents, but also kids will love our classes.
With us, your children will learn all aspects of the language, like grammar, listening, and speaking. We’ll especially focus on this last one by encouraging them to speak in Spanish. So they can achieve language fluency.
Even better, we’ll make sure everything they learn is important for their daily lives in Spanish. So they can apply their knowledge in a real situation.
Why don’t you sign up your kids for a 30-minute trial class? They’re online, live with a native teacher. After it, you’ll have the chance to participate in a Q & A for parents to ask all their questions.
Once you’re convinced we’re the best option, enroll them in our next 4-week session and watch them bloom into Spanish experts.