Do you want your kids to learn Spanish as a second language, but they’d rather listen to music? Honestly, we get them! Music makes us want to cry, laugh, dance, and live. It gets to our deepest emotions, from the angriest feelings to the loveliest ones.

Through music we can understand those emotions. So, the best thing you can do for your kids is encourage them to keep listening to music. Even better, motivate them to play an instrument, whichever they like most.

Playing an instrument will bring tons of benefits and fun for your kids. And as a plus, it will help them with their Spanish language learning. That’s right, music and language studies can go hand in hand. Imagine picking up two amazing skills while having fun! To help your kids with that, we’ve gathered the names of some musical instruments in Spanish.

How playing an instrument helps with language learning

Develop the ear

Knowing how to play an instrument helps identify the differences between sounds. This is very important for second language learning, as each language has different sounds.

That’s why when learning a new language, you might find it difficult to understand and pronounce certain words. Because they have sounds that are different to the ones of your native language, the ones you’re used to.

But if you play an instrument, your ear is better developed to hear the details in every sound.

Nina Kraus, a neuroscientist, said that “playing an instrument may help youngsters […] more accurately interpret the nuances of language that are conveyed by subtle changes in the human voice”.

So, if your kids learn how to play an instrument from a young age, they’ll have a better development of their ear. That will help them hear even the slightest differences in sounds. Which will ultimately help them in their Spanish language learning journey.

Both music and language have rhythm

It’s true, language, just like music, has rhythm. Just remember how teachers usually teach you a new word or phrase, by separating it in syllabus and stressing one more than the others. Rhythm may be different in music and language, but it’s still a similarity they share.

So, let’s say you already know how to play an instrument. Then that could help you pick up the rhythm or understand how the rhythm of a new language works. Same for your kids, it’ll be easier for them to understand the rhythm of Spanish if they’ve already acquired rhythmic skills through music.

Types of musical instruments in Spanish

All musical instruments are classified in different types depending on how they produce their sound. Here’s the classification in both English and Spanish:


  • Chordophones / String – Cordófonos / De cuerda
  • Aerophones / Wind – Aerófonos / De viento
  • Membranophones / Percussion – Membranófonos / De percusión
  • Idiophones – Idiófonos
  • Electrophones – Electrófonos

40 Musical instruments in Spanish

Here are the Spanish names of many different musical instruments from the most popular ones, to some that maybe you didn’t know:


  1. Piano – Piano
  2. Keyboard – Teclado
  3. Organ – Órgano
  4. Acoustic guitar – Guitarra acústica
  5. Electric guitar – Guitarra eléctrica
  6. Bass – Bajo
  7. Ukulele – Ukelele
  8. Drums – Batería
  9. Drum – Tambor
  10. Cymbals – Platillos
  11. Violin – Violín
  12. Cello – Violonchelo
  13. Harp – Arpa
  14. Accordion – Acordeón
  15. Clarinet – Clarinete
  16. Trumpet – Trompeta
  17. French horn – Trompa
  18. Saxophone – Saxofón
  19. Trombone – Trombón
  20. Tuba – Tuba
  21. Maracas – Maracas
  22. Triangle – Triángulo
  23. Flute – Flauta
  24. Oboe – Oboe
  25. English horn – Corno inglés
  26. Bassoon – Fagot
  27. Harmonica – Armónica
  28. Bagpipe – Gaita
  29. Xylophone – Xilófono
  30. Banjo – Banjo
  31. Bongos / Bongo drum – Bongó
  32. Bass drum – Bombo
  33. Kettledrum – Timbal
  34. Tambourine – Pandero
  35. Tambourine / Timbrel – Pandereta
  36. Rain stick – Palo de lluvia
  37. Panpipe – Siku / Zampoña
  38. Castanets – Castañuelas
  39. Mandolin – Mandolina
  40. Lyre – Lira

16 professions in Spanish for kids that dream about being musicians

Here’s how to say in Spanish the names of some musical professions, including a variety of musical instruments players. You’ll notice that a lot of the Spanish words for musical instrument players have a similarity: they end with “ista”.


  1. Singer – Cantante
  2. Orchestra conductor – Director de orquesta
  3. Musical composer – Compositor musical
  4. Musician – Músico
  5. Pianist – Pianista
  6. Guitarist / Guitar player – Guitarrista
  7. Drummer – Baterista
  8. Violinist – Violinista
  9. Cellist – Violonchelista / Chelista
  10. Trumpeter – Trompetista
  11. Flutist – Flautista
  12. Bassist – Bajista
  13. Saxophonist – Saxofonista
  14. Harpist – Arpista
  15. Clarinetist – Clarinetista
  16. Bongo player – Bongosero

Spanish phrases to talk about music

Here are some Spanish phrases and questions your kids can learn to talk about their music interests and musical instruments:


  • Mi instrumento musical favorito es el piano. / My favorite musical instrument is the piano.
  • Yo toco el saxofón. / I play the saxophone.
  • Quiero aprender a tocar el bajo. / I want to learn how to play the bass.
  • Voy a audicionar para el coro de la escuela. / I’m going to audition for the school choir.
  • Voy a audicionar para la banda de la escuela. / I’m going to audition for the school band.
  • Estoy en la banda de la escuela. / I’m on the school band.
  • Voy a tocar el violín para el show de talentos de la escuela. / I’m going to play the violin for the school talent show.
  • Cuando sea grande quiero ser baterista. / I want to be a drummer when I grow up.
  • ¿Quién es tu músico favorito? / What’s your favorite musician?
  • Mi pianista favorito es Chopin. / My favorite pianist is Chopin.
  • ¿Qué tipo de música escuchas? / What type of music do you listen to?
  • Mi género musical favorito es el rock. / My favorite musical genre is rock.

Learn Spanish Through Music with TruFluency Kids

Do you want your kids to have a fun and musical approach to the Spanish language? Then, you’re at the right place! Here at TruFluency Kids we teach Spanish for children through singing and dancing to songs in Spanish. We also have free blogs about songs in Spanish on our website to help parents with their kids Spanish music and language at home practice.

But that’s not it, we also teach through other fun activities, like word games, reading stories, crafting, and even cooking! Plus, there’s always time for kids to speak in every class, because that’s the best way they’ll achieve Spanish fluency.

Don’t worry about traffic or living in another state or even country., because our classes are completely online. We also offer flexible schedules: choose from all seven days of the week, from 9 am to 9 pm (CST).

Too good to be true? Check our testimonials! Or take a trial class. We are sure you’ll love it and will be more than ready to sign up your kids for our next 4-week session