As parents, we’re always looking for ways to give our children a head start in life. One of the most valuable skills we can help them develop is learning a second language, and Spanish is an excellent choice. With over 500 million speakers worldwide, Spanish...
Changes can be scary. If you’re planning to move to a Spanish-speaking country, you might be worried about your kids’ performance at school. It’s a brand-new language, after all. Or maybe you’re not moving, but your kids got accepted into that fantastic Spanish...
As the parent of bilingual children, you must always look for ways of helping your kids improve after school hours. As if that weren’t not enough, you should also make sure dual language practice is fun. Otherwise, your kids might get bored, distracted and the...
Maestro Neftalà is taking a walk with us but he doesn’t know where we want to go. He teaches us how to ask, “Where are we going?” in Spanish. Because, he doesn’t want to be left behind! ¡Espera! No me dejes atrás. (Wait! Don’t leave me behind.)...
Maestra Soraya takes us to a store and teaches us how to ask, “How much does it cost?” in Spanish. Vamos a la tienda. (Let’s go to the store.) ¿Cuánto cuesta unable manzana? (How much does an apple...
One of the most important things kids should learn in Spanish are greetings and goodbyes. These two things are the basics of moral education. So, if they learn them in their mother tongue, why not in their second language? Kids must know how to be respectful and how...