Nowadays kids love spending many hours on the internet. We can forbid them to do that, or we can determine a certain amount of time for them to be on the internet.

But what if we could allow them to spend more time on the internet only if it’s for useful purposes? After all, children will always look for ways to keep being online. But is this plan possible? Oh yeah, it is!

There are many websites out there aiming to help children learn Spanish. Now, that is a good use of the internet. Think about it: This is a great way for kids to improve their Spanish skills, while having fun.

We know that on the internet there are many websites that cost. And you probably don’t want to risk paying for something if you’re not sure it’s not a scam. To save you from spending any money, we’ll leave you with some free websites for kids to learn Spanish.

It’ll be a whole, free, and multicultural adventure for you and them.

Spanish Words for Ballet Class

  1. Dance – Baile
  2. Ballet – Ballet / Danza clásica
  3. Art – Arte
  4. Ballet dancer / Ballerina – Bailarín de ballet / Bailarina de ballet
  5. To dance – Bailar
  6. Jump – Salto
  7. Ballet shoes – Zapatillas de ballet
  8. Ballet pointe shoes – Zapatillas de punta
  9. Ballet slippers – Ballerinas / Balerinas
  10. Leotard – Leotardo
  11. Tights – Mallas
  12. Tutu – Tutú
  13. Warm-up – Calentamiento
  14. Ballet class – Clase de ballet
  15. Stage – Escenario
  16. Presentation – Presentación
  17. Arms – Brazos
  18. Feet – Pies
  19. Flexible – Flexible
  20. To stretch – Estirar
  21. To spin – Girar
  22. Turns – Giros
  23. En pointe – En punta
  24. Barre – Barra
  25. Center – Centro
  26. Technique – Técnica
  27. Choreography – Coreografía
  28. Classical music – Música clásica
  29. Company – Compañía
  30. Audition – Audición
  31. To audition – Audicionar
  32. Corps de ballet – Cuerpo de baile
  33. Coryphee – Corifeo
  34. Soloist – Solista
  35. Principal dancer – Bailarín principal

Reasons to Learn Spanish Through Free Websites

The mere thought of using free websites to learn a language could sound suspicious for you as a parent. We get it. But we really think it’s a good supporting tool for your children’s Spanish learning process. There are many reasons to learn that way:


Kids are always looking for fun things to do. Sometimes that means going to a park with their dog. Some others it’s playing in their backyard. And some others it means scrolling through the internet.

Plus, if they’re on the internet, even if it’s learning Spanish, they might find it cool. Especially if the websites are interactive and creative. And there are thousands of online games, we’re sure there are some in Spanish for kids to acquire the language while playing.

It’s free

This is more of a benefit for the parents! Like we told you, not all websites are free, but the ones shown here are. So your wallet will thank you. Above we acknowledge the fact that you might not be willing to pay in case it’s a scam. But there are other reasons too, like the cost.

Some websites can be expensive. Maybe you already have a lot of expenses, starting with your children’s school. So let’s just make life easier and play on the internet for free.

You’re already paying the internet service, so why not take advantage of the free resources we can find there.


Free websites are always available for your kids to study. No matter the time; no matter the place. There are many reasons why kids may not be able to go to school, or even take an online class. Maybe you can’t afford this semester’s language class, but don’t want your children to lose their knowledge.

Or maybe you’re going on vacation, but you want them to keep practicing. Whatever it is, through the internet, they can keep practicing their Spanish and even learn some new things.

Free Websites to Learn Spanish

123 Teach Me

This website is all about doing different activities in Spanish. There are flashcards, games, music videos, worksheets, and more. Probably the best activity are quizzes, because you can see how well your kids are doing and the areas that they need improvement in.

That way, you can start helping them in those areas or talk to their Spanish teacher to see what you can do. This variety of activities is great, because it’ll be more difficult for kids to get bored learning this amazing language.

There’s also a variety of topics. From the alphabet, to numbers, colors, countries, dialogues, toys, grammar, and more. As you can see all are things we find in our everyday lives. We’re super grateful for that, because it means kids will actually apply what they learn in “123 Teach Me” to their real lives.

Many activities have videos to support the lesson. As well as the writing of the words. This means that in many lessons kids will get to work on their listening, which will improve their pronunciation too, and their writing.

You’ll get some publicity every now and then, or you’ll see it around the website. But it really isn’t annoying, as it doesn’t stop you from playing.

“123 Teach Me” is a very complete and super fun website.


Árbol ABC

This is one of the coolest Spanish learning websites. In fact, it’s an educational website in Spanish, so it’s not only targeted to learn the Spanish language. But since everything is in complete Spanish, your kids will acquire the language through an immersion method. One of the best ways to learn.

From the moment you enter the site, you can see everything that’s appealing for kids. It’s super colorful and has many cute drawings. It’s aimed for kids from 3 to 10 years old.

In the home page, you’ll find three animals that represent the ages of the kids. The parrot is for kids from 3 to 5. The raccoon is for children ages 5 to 7. The panther for kids 7 to 10. If you click one of the animals, it’ll take you to the games and activities that better suit the kids that that animal represents.

There are many different categories, all in Spanish. There’s math, language, fun, library, and songs. These are specifically for the 3 to 7 years old kids. You can choose to study anything you want, because all categories are very useful for real-life. There’s no wasted knowledge. You can even divide topics per day. Maybe on Monday they’ll study math, on Tuesday, songs, and so on…

Oh, and because it’s an educational website in Spanish, they also have games to learn English.

The library category has a mode in which you can hear the reading while seeing the text. So you can learn the pronunciation, practice your listening, and therefore improve your speaking.

We do recommend trying all the activities in the “lenguaje” (language) area. Because they teach subjects like vowels, the alphabet, syllables, and many things related to the basics of the Spanish language.

Within each category, there are different topics. Like numbers, subtractions, animals, means of transportation, colors, and more. So the knowledge is endless!

The category for kids ages 7 to 10 has tons of readings, but there are also games. It‘s great that they focused on a lot of reading, as that’s one of the best and most interesting ways to learn!

They have all kinds of readings, from stories to articles to recipes. The texts are divided in different themes: science, animals, and short stories.



The moment you enter the “ABC Ya!” Website you enter a whole new world! You can immediately notice that it’s a children’s site. It’s decorated as a universe. You can see the stars and meteorites, and different, shining colors. Just by watching the background is already a cool experience.

They have circles that represent the sun and the planets. Each one has a grade level, so you can pick the one that goes better with your kids’ age. For example: If your baby boy is pre-k, you pick the pink planet. If your little girl is in grade 5, you pick the orange one, and so on. It’s very easy, don’t worry.

Once you pick a planet, you’ll go to a page that has games according to your children’s age. There are different themes, from strategy to holidays, and more.

You must know that this website is in English, and so are the games. But there are some games for you to practice your Spanish skills. You’ll get to hear the correct pronunciation, acquire vocabulary, and learn the writing. All in Spanish. So, they tackle many of the language areas.

Just write the word “Spanish” on the search bar they have on top of their website. You’ll immediately get a list of their Spanish games. Once you click one of the games, below it you’ll get an educator information, which includes the age it’s recommended for.

“ABC Ya!” is great for those who are beginners, because instructions, descriptions and everything else in the website is in English. So they won’t get lost about what to do.



This is a company dedicated to help you learn Spanish through online lessons. So this is more like a class rather than games. They have different memberships.

So yes, “StudySpanish” does charge some fees. But wait a minute! There’s one for free. Even though the premium and the lifetime memberships give you more benefits, you’ll still get many lessons and some quizzes with the free membership.

So it’s still very useful. Plus, if your children are already studying Spanish with a teacher, this can simply be a complement.

How can you get access to the free stuff? Very easily, actually. On top of the site there are some tabs with different categories. There’s pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, verb drills, and a blog. Pick the one that you want to learn more about.

Once you click on one tab, it’ll take you to the introduction page of that category. Next to the introduction text there are more tabs with all the lessons they have on that topic. There are also basic tests you can answer to see how you’re doing. Now you can start learning.

Wait! There’s one more tab at the top we didn’t mention. It’s the “Camino” tab. There you can find lessons organized by unit. This is great. You’ll learn step by step, increasing the level.

It’s almost like a small course. Why is this tap named “Camino”? Because that’ the name of their app. So if you prefer to work on your phone; you can just download their app.


Aprender Español

This site is in Spanish, there’s no English at all. This is great to start acquiring the language and not just memorizing words. Despite this, we think the website is not very hard to understand.

At least not the index, which ultimately is what you truly need to understand to see what you’ll study. That’s why we recommend it for intermediate level or advanced. But, honestly, if your kids are beginners, it could also be beneficial as an immersion method.

You can see the index immediately on the home page. This is a website very easy to use. The categories you can study are grammar, verbs, vocabulary, readings, tales, dictation, listening, videos, and songs.

So children can learn from more academic subjects to more fun, joyful things. Some of these categories have different levels; it’s almost like passing from one education level to another.

Of course, in each category there are different topics. For example: In grammar you can find the alphabet, syllables, adjectives, accents, diphthongs, and more. In vocabulary there’s animals, colors, weather, professions/careers, and so on.

Exercises are also varied, and some are super fun. Some have pictures, some others have audio, and some even videos. The readings have some questions to check your reading comprehension.

So everything is very appealing for kids. Plus, they’ll get to improve their different language skills, including writing through the dictation exercises!

Once you finish an activity, you’ll get a percentage, which is like a grade. So you can see what you need to work on.



This is a website in complete Spanish. The moment you enter, everything you read will be in Spanish. It’s also a website that aims to help kids learn about different subjects, not just language. This means there are many different categories, a lot of them are academic subjects.

That’s why we recommend it for advanced level students. If your children already know a bit of Spanish, it’ll be easier for them to understand the games on this site. Especially those that aren’t about learning the Spanish language. Those about geography or math.

Because if learning a new language is already hard enough, imagine learning other subjects in your second language.

Though it could also be good for kids in other levels if we see it as an immersion method. Your children could simply get on the website to play and meanwhile they’ll be forced to acquire the language.

The categories of the games are very varied, from science to math, literature, history, art, technology, geography, and more. We think it’s better if your kids start studying with the games in the language category. So they practice their Spanish skills and learn more before moving to other subjects.

We still think the game could use sounds or videos to hear the correct pronunciation of the words. Because it’s only in written format.

Will Websites Make My Kid Fluent in Spanish?

Our immediate answer to that question is: no. Though we highly recommend using websites for your kids’ Spanish learning journey, we must say that won’t make them fluent.

It’ll definitely help them improve their skills in different areas of the language. It’ll also help them manage different topics in Spanish. But kids still need more, a mentor that can supervise they’re learning correctly and tons of practice.

Good news, though: TruFluency Kids can be that guide!

We offer online Spanish immersion classes with native teachers! Because we know kids have a lot of energy and love creative dynamics, we teach through fun activities.

Such as dancing, singing, playing games, crafting, storytelling, and even cooking! All very common activities, so they can apply the Spanish knowledge they acquire to their everyday lives.

Our lessons are based on our Bellieu Method. It consists of encouraging students to speak in their target language using all they’ve learned. That’s right, speaking will be our best tool during our classes. That’s the best way they’ll achieve Spanish fluency.

Take a 30-minute trial lesson now for only $9! There are no more than five students per class. So it’s super personalized. After the trial class, parents can participate in a Q & A to answer all your questions.