Music is a great way to improve children’s Spanish skills, especially if they are songs from children’s movies. Kids love to sing along with their favorite characters and even dance to the rhythm. If you played them Spanish songs from movies, it could make them...
Giving your kids the opportunity to learn Spanish as a second language is one of the best things you can give your child. Spanish will give them the chance to bond with international classmates, have more future career opportunities, and develop cultural awareness....
Kids love catchy songs! There’s something special about engaging words set to a colorful melody that gives children the confidence to sing along. Since most children’s songs consist of cheerful beats and uplifting lyrics, it is the perfect combination of music and...
A consistent bedtime routine benefits kids physically and mentally. And bedtime just so happens to be a perfect opportunity to practice Spanish. If you use the same Spanish words and phrases over and over at bedtime, learning happens just about effortlessly. Some...
It’s no secret that most children love songs and music. Not only do they enjoy music, they can learn a lot from it too. We’ve already suggested using Netflix shows and books to supplement language learning (of course, every language program should include a real live...