Maestro Neftalà Shares Fun Spanish Tongue Twisters Follow and repeat in Spanish with Maestro Neftalà at TruFluency Kids Spanish Immersion while he shares fun tongue twisters! ¡Vamos a jugar con un trabalenguas! (Let’s play with a tongue twister!) And more! Maestra...
Maestro NeftalĂ Teaches “¡Me duele…!” in Spanish Maestro NeftalĂ is not feeling well, but he will do his best to teach us about different sicknesses we often have. Listen to him and repeat how to use ¡Me duele! in Spanish. “¡Me duele la barriga!” (My belly...
Maestro Neftalà Teaches “Este año quiero…” in Spanish Did you make a list of resolutions this year? Follow and repeat in Spanish with Maestro Neftalà at TruFluency Kids Spanish Immersion while he shows us how to say what we want to accomplish this year! Este año...
Maestro Neftalà Teaches the Spanish Word “Hay…” with Animals Follow and repeat in Spanish with Maestro Neftalà at while he teaches the word “Hay” in a house full of animals! Hay un gato en la sala. (There’s a cat in the living room.)¡Me encantan los gatos! (I love...
Learn Three Responses to Questions that Start with “Quieres” Follow and repeat in Spanish with Maestra Zaira at TruFluency Kids Spanish Immersion while she teaches three responses to questions starting with “¿Quieres…?” in Spanish! Meet Spanish Teacher...