Hi there. It’s Micah Bellieu from TruFluency Kids. I’m going to guess that if you clicked on this video, then you have some questions about helping your kids become fluent in Spanish. Those questions might include: Is it worth the time, effort and, possibly, expense?...
Have you ever seen your children make a face of disgust when they’re about to eat something they don’t like? Even if it’s something they haven’t tried yet; if they don’t like how it looks, they’ll make an unpleasant face. Have you seen them wrinkle their nose to a bad...
If your kids are learning Spanish, a great way to help them practice is by asking questions in that language. This way, you’ll be encouraging them to answer in Spanish. Here at TruFluency Kids, we are the first ones to encourage this method. But, oh my god, how...
One of the most important topics for kids learning Spanish to know are synonyms and antonyms. Why? Well, it’s important they have a wide vocabulary so they can express all their feelings, ideas and situations they go through properly. And synonyms and antonyms...
Are your kids having trouble with some Spanish words? Look we get it, learning a second language is never easy and Spanish is no exception. Honestly, it can be confusing at times, like we showed you when we taught you about homophones. The differences between...
Have you heard of Habbi Habbi bilingual books? This video discusses what Habbi Habbi really has to offer. Do their books really work? What does ‘work’ even mean? You certainly can’t get fluent from a few books, but what can they do? What can you expect? And how can...