Festive people dressed in green all around, tons of shamrock drawings in the classrooms’ walls, leprechauns dancing everywhere. What’s going on? Oh, of course; it’s St. Patrick’s Day!
The perfect opportunity to celebrate Irish culture and history and be incredibly joyful. But do you know that this is also the perfect day for children to learn and improve their Spanish?
Yes, we’re serious! Kids love learning through something that’s fun, so they don’t feel like they’re studying. So really, what’s better than to acquire the Spanish language naturally through a happy, cool festivity like St. Patrick’s Day?
That’s why today we bring you the perfect guide to learn some Spanish words and phrases for St Patrick’s Day. So come on and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in Spanish with your kids. You’ll learn a lot and have the best time!
Spanish Words for St. Patrick’s Day
- St. Patrick’s Day – DÃa de San Patricio
- Ireland – Irlanda
- Irish – Irlandés
- Flag – Bandera
- Green – Verde
- Leprechaun – Duende
- Clover / Four leaf clover – Trébol / Trébol de cuatro hojas
- Shamrock – Trébol
- Beer – Cerveza
- March – Marzo
- Hat – Sombrero
- Rainbow – Arcoiris
- Gold – Oro
- Gold pot – Olla de oro
- Gold coins – Monedas de oro
- Horseshoe – Herradura
- Parade – Desfile
- Celebration – Celebración
- Lucky – Suerte
- Lucky charm – Amuleto de la suerte
Spanish Questions for St. Patrick’s Day
To make your kids speak Spanish during this celebration you must encourage them to do it. For this, it’s super helpful if you’re the one that starts the conversation or ask them something about it. Here are some examples of how to do that:
- Hey, Lily, do you know when is St. Patrick’s Day celebrated? / Oye, Lily, ¿sabes qué cuándo se celebra el DÃa de San Patricio?
- What do you like the most about St. Patrick’s Day? / ¿Qué es lo que más te gusta del DÃa de San Patricio?
- What’s your good luck charm? / ¿Cuál es tu amuleto de la buena suerte?
- Do you want to hear the story of St. Patrick’s Day? It’s awesome! / ¿Quieres escuchar la historia del DÃa de San Patricio? ¡Es genial!
- What do you like the most about Ireland? I like St. Patrick’s Day the most. / ¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Irlanda? A mà el DÃa de San Patricio es lo que más me gusta.
- Come on, let’s pick our green outfits. / Ven, vamos a elegir nuestros vestuarios verdes.
- Do you want to make a cool leprechaun hat for your costume? / ¿Quieres hacer un divertido sombrero de duende para tu disfraz?
Spanish Phrases for St. Patrick’s Day
Here are some phrases that your kids can use while celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. As well as to talk about it with your or their friends:
- Happy St. Patrick’s Day! / ¡Feliz DÃa de San Patricio!
- ¡Good luck on the parade! / ¡Buena suerte en el desfile!
- Did you know that St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated on March seventeen? / ¿SabÃas que el DÃa de San Patricio se celebra el diecisiete de marzo?
- Mom, tomorrow I have to go dressed in green to school to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. / Mamá, mañana tengo que ir vestido de verde a la escuela para celebrar el DÃa de San Patricio.
- Dad, can we go to the St. Patrick’s Day parade, please? I beg you! / Papá, ¿podemos ir al desfile por el DÃa de San Patricio, por favor? ¡Te lo ruego!
- Guess what, Mark? On March seventeen I’m going to dress up as a leprechaun. / ¿Adivina qué, Mark? El diecisiete de marzo me voy a disfrazar de duende.
- My favorite part from St. Patrick’s Day is the parade, and yours? / Mi parte favorita del DÃa de San Patricio es el desfile, ¿y la tuya?
- The teacher made us draw shamrocks and we’re going to stick them throughout the whole school. / La maestra nos puso a dibujar tréboles y los vamos a pegar por toda la escuela.
- Mom, can we bake a green clover cake for tomorrow and invite some friends over? / ¿Mamá podemos hornear un pastel verde de trébol para mañana e invitar a unos amigos?
- We have a new Irish classmate, and he invited us to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with him and his family. Can I go, please? / Tenemos un nuevo compañero irlandés y nos invitó a celebrar el DÃa de San Patricio con él y su familia. ¿Puedo ir, por favor?
- Today I had the best day dressed in green celebrating Ireland, thank you! / Hoy tuve el mejor dÃa vestido de verde celebrando Irlanda, ¡gracias!
Give Your Child the Gift of Spanish!
DIY: How to Make a St. Patrick’s Day Paper Hat
Sometimes when it’s time for a festivity, schools ask us to dress up our kids. Because they’re going to celebrate or make an activity related to what they’re commemorating. So, maybe you didn’t have the time to look for a St. Patrick’s Day hat for your children’s festival or simply couldn’t find it.
That’s okay, we have the perfect solution. Do it yourself! It’s not that hard and you can invite your kids to an arts & crafts in Spanish, bond, have fun, and learn.
What you’ll need:
- Green sheets of paper – Hojas de papel verde
- Black paper – Papel negro
- Yellow or gold paper – Papel amarillo o dorado
- Printed image of a clover without color (black and white) – La imagen impresa de un trébol sin color (blanco y negro).
- Scissors – Tijeras
- Green or white plastic cup – Vaso de plástico verde o blanco
- Acrylic paint – Pintura acrÃlica
- Paint brush – Brocha de pintura / Pincel
- Glue – Pegamento
- Silicone – Silicon
- Crayons – Crayones
- Headband / Alice band – Banda para el cabello or Cinta para el cabello / Diadema
- Grab a paper plate and trace its circumference on the green paper. So you’ll end up with the drawing of a circle. It can be a big plate or a small one, depending on how big you want the hat.
- Cut the circle all around its circumference.
- Grab the plastic cup and place it on another sheet of green paper. Trace its circumference on the paper.
- Cut the circle you just drew. Now you’ll have two circles: The bigger one is from the plate, and the smaller one from the cup.
- If the plastic cup is white, paint it green. This is a great activity for your kids. If it’s green, leave it like that. It can also be a paper cup; it might be easier to paint it if it’s paper.
- Wait til the paint is completely dried.
- Now glue the base of the plastic cup to the circle you made with the plate. We recommend using silicone, so it really sticks. There you go; it should already have the form of a leprechaun hat.
- Grab the other circle, the one you made with the plastic cup, and stick it to the top of the cup. Since the cup doesn’t have a cover there, this circle will work as the cover/top of the hat. And since you made the circle with the plastic cup, it should fit perfectly. If it’s hard to glue the circle to the top of the plastic cup, cut small strips around the circle. Then put glue on each strip, put the circle on top of the cup and stick the strips around its circumference, like they’re grabbing from the cup. Since everything is green, the strips shouldn’t be too noticeable.
- It’s time for the little details that make the hat a classic from St. Patrick’s Day. Grab a black paper and cut a long, thick stripe/rectangle.
- Cut that black stripe and glue it around the bottom of the plastic cup that forms the hat. It’ll look like a belt. We also recommend silicone for this, so it sticks to the plastic. If it’s a paper cup, then it’s easy with any type of glue.
- Now draw a square on the yellow or gold paper. Make sure the edges are thick. This is going to be like the buckle of the belt. Cut it. And carefully cut the paper that’s inside of the square too. So you just have the yellow edges forming the square, but not the filling. If it helps you more, use a pocket knife for this, with it trace the inside of the square and then just take off the paper. But make sure the kids don’t touch the pocket knife, as it could be dangerous.
- Glue the yellow square/buckle on top of the black ribbon/strip/belt we just glued to the hat. Put it in the middle of it. There you go; it really looks like a belt now, right?
- Grab the printed clover. Ask your kids to color it with a different shade of green than the one of the hat, so it sticks out.
- Cut the clover and glue it on top of the black strip that we put on the hat. It can be near the golden/yellow buckle.
- Time for the final step! Put some silicone on the base of the hat. That is the circle that we made with the plate. Then glue it to the headband or Alice band. And there you go; your kids can put it on and off easily.
Learn Spanish to Celebrate This and Other Cultures with TruFluency Kids
Now that your children know more vocabulary to celebrate Irish culture and St. Patrick’s Day, they might want more. After all, we just discovered how cool it can be to learn Spanish to celebrate other cultures in this language.
As well as how good it does to your Spanish skills to learn through a fun festivity. Both your kids’ Spanish and their cultural knowledge will be benefited through this kind of learning. It’s a win-win.
So, if you want to learn more Spanish for other festivities, we at TruFluency Kids can help you. Our teachers are native Spanish speakers that are ready to show you some useful Spanish for celebrations, holidays, and festivities.
We’re also ready to teach you Spanish through fun activities. In this blog we did it by teaching you Spanish through another culture and a cool festivity.
But in our classes, we can also teach you through dance, singing, crafting, cooking, and playing games. So there’s no boring moment with us. Let’s not forget that children learn better if they’re enjoying themselves.
We have a flexible schedule, because we know your family’s agenda is busy. Our classes are also completely online, so you don’t lose time driving your kids to language school. We teach seven days a week from 9 am to 9 pm (CST). So it doesn’t matter where in the world you are, you can study with us.
Check our testimonials to see for yourself how committed we are to your kids’ Spanish journey. After that, take a 30-minute trial class. When it’s finished, parents will have the opportunity to join a Q & A, so we can answer all your doubts.
Oh, and hey, we feel like this blog brought you some luck! Our prices are great and the ones for our trial classes are no exception. Taking a trial class with us only costs $14.50, so take a bet on us and sign up now.