Skeletons are crawling out of their graves. Pumpkins are placed in every neighbor’s yard. Witches fly all around the city. Ghosts go trick or treat, and your kids ask your permission to watch the scariest movie ever. The scariest time of the year is finally here! It’s Halloween!

We know this time of the year is to have fun. We mean, it’s an occasion for people of all ages, even kids enjoy this terrifying season. But did you know that it’s also the perfect occasion for kids to practice Spanish?

That’s right! Spanish speaking countries also celebrate Halloween. So you can absolutely take advantage of the fun time kids have during Halloween to immerse them in this fascinating language.

We’d love to help your family celebrate Halloween in Spanish. So here are some Spanish words and phrases for Halloween that kids must know.

42 Spanish Words for Halloween

Here are some essential words in Spanish to talk about all things Halloween:


  1. Halloween – Halloween / Noche de brujas
  2. October thirty-first – Octubre treinta y uno
  3. Potion – Poción
  4. Broom – Escoba
  5. Witch hat – Sombrero de bruja
  6. Spiderweb – Telaraña
  7. Cauldron – Caldero
  8. Coffin – Ataúd
  9. Costume / Costumes – Disfraz / Disfraces
  10. Cloak / Cape – Capa
  11. Halloween party – Fiesta de Halloween
  12. Full moon – Luna llena
  13. Legend – Leyenda
  14. Candies – Dulces
  15. Trick or treat – Dulce o truco / Truco o trato
  16. Skull – Cráneo
  17. Grave / Tomb – Tumba
  18. Graveyard – Cementerio
  19. Mansion – Mansión
  20. Haunted house – Casa embrujada
  21. Darkness – Oscuridad
  22. Black cat – Gato negro
  23. Bat – Murciélago
  24. Night – Noche
  25. Scary movies – Películas de miedo
  26. Candy corn – Maíz dulce
  27. Shadows – Sombras
  28. Monsters – Monstruos
  29. Bandages – Vendas
  30. Fear – Miedo
  31. Scared / Afraid – Asustado
  32. Scare – Susto
  33. To scream / To shout – Gritar
  34. Scream – Grito
  35. Boo – Bu
  36. To disappear – Desaparecer
  37. Blood – Sangre
  38. Bones – Huesos
  39. Fog – Niebla
  40. Chills – Escalofríos
  41. Mystery – Misterio
  42. Halloween candy bucket – Cubeta de dulces de Halloween

16 Scary Creatures in Spanish

Here are the names in Spanish of some popular spooky creatures during Halloween. These also work as costumes for kids:


  1. Ghost / Ghosts – Fantasma / Fantasmas
  2. Witch – Bruja
  3. Pumpkin – Calabaza
  4. Zombie – Zombi
  5. Vampire – Vampiro
  6. Wizard – Hechicero
  7. Clown – Payaso
  8. The joker – El guasón
  9. Skeleton – Esqueleto / Calavera
  10. Mummy – Momia
  11. Spider / Spiders – Araña / Arañas
  12. Werewolf – Hombre lobo
  13. Pirate – Pirata
  14. Devil – Diablo
  15. Scarecrow – Espantapájaros
  16. Alien – Alien / Extraterrestre

13 Spanish Halloween Adjectives

Here are some adjectives in Spanish to describe Halloween things and that you probably hear a lot during this season:


  1. Scary – Aterrador
  2. Frightening – Aterrador
  3. Wicked – Malvado
  4. Freaky – Raro
  5. Spooky – Espeluznante / Fantasmagórico
  6. Terrifying – Terrorífico
  7. Chilling – Escalofriante
  8. Creepy – Escalofriante
  9. Strange – Extraño
  10. Dreadful – Terrible
  11. Horrible – Horrible
  12. Mysterious – Misterioso
  13. Ghostly – Fantasmal / Fantasmagórico

Give Your Child the Gift of Spanish!

Spanish Phrases for Halloween

Here are some Spanish phrases and questions kids can use to talk about Halloween and express their spooky feelings. You’ll notice some of the words above in these sentences, which is great for vocabulary practice.


  • Mom, can I watch that scary movie, please? I beg you! / Mamá, ¿puedo ver esa película de miedo, por favor? ¡Te lo ruego!
  • Boo! Haha, you should’ve seen your face! / ¡Bu! ¡Jaja, hubieras visto tu cara!
  • This Halloween I want to get dressed as a witch. / Este Halloween quiero disfrazarme de una bruja.
  • Mom, mom! The school will throw a party for Halloween and we can dress up as we want! / ¡Ma, ma! ¡La escuela va a organizar una fiesta para la Noche de Brujas y podemos disfrazarnos como queramos!
  • For my costume I’m going to wear a lot of bandages to look like a mummy. / Para mi disfraz me voy a poner muchas vendas para verme como una momia.
  • Happy Halloween! / ¡Feliz Noche de Brujas!
  • Let’s carve some pumpkins! / ¡Vamos a tallar algunas calabazas!
  • Have you heard the legend of La Llorona? / ¿Has escuchado la leyenda de La Llorona?
  • The teacher decorated the classroom with a skeleton. / El maestro/La maestra decoró el salón con un esqueleto.
  • We should put some skulls and graves on the yard, dad. / Deberíamos poner algunos cráneos y tumbas en el jardín, papá.
  • Are werewolves real? / ¿Los hombres lobo son reales?
  • That house is haunted. I don’t want to go, because it scares me. / Esa casa está embrujada. No quiero ir, porque me espanta.
  • I got chills. / Me dieron escalofríos / Tengo escalofríos.
  • That scarecrow looks very wicked. / Ese espantapájaros se ve muy malvado.
  • I’m afraid of darkness. / Me da miedo la oscuridad.
  • Halloween is my favorite holiday. / La noche de brujas es mi festividad favorita.

Trick or Treat in Spanish with these Phrases!

  • Trick or treat! / ¡Dulce o truco!
  • Are we going trick or treating tonight? / Vamos a salir a pedir truco o trato esta noche?
  • What are you going to dress up as for trick or treating? / ¿De que te vas a disfrazar para pedir truco o trato?
  • Do you have some candy corn you could give me, please? / Tiene maíz de dulce que me pueda dar, por favor?
  • The woman from the store gave me a lot of candies! / La señora de la tienda me dio muchos dulces!
  • Wow! I love chocolate, thank you! / ¡Wow, amo el chocolate, gracias!
  • Look at that pirate trick or treating, he looks awesome! / Mira a ese pirata pidiendo dulce o truco, se ve genial!
  • Do you want to exchange candies? / ¿Quieres intercambiar dulces?
  • Let’s ring the bell of that haunted mansion, maybe a ghost will give us candies! / ¡Vamos a tocar el timbre de esa mansión embrujada, tal vez un fantasma nos de dulces!
  • Do you want to come trick or treating with us? / ¿Quieres venir a pedir truco o trato con nosotros?
  • Look, I got some gummy eyeballs! / ¡Mira, me dieron gomitas de ojos!
  • Mmmm, this are delicious! / ¡Mmmm, están deliciosos!

8 Halloween Questions to Start a Conversation in Spanish

One of the best ways to encourage your kids to speak in Spanish is if you start the conversation. This can be through a statement or a question. Another thing that helps is talking about something they like, like Halloween. So, here are a few questions related to this holiday you could ask in Spanish to your children:


  1. Do you want to go treat or treating or prefer to stay at home watching a scary movie? / ¿Quieres ir a pedir dulce o truco o prefieres quedarte en casa a ver una película de terror?
  2. Would you rather be a zombie or a wizard? / ¿Preferirías ser un zombi o un hechicero?
  3. I’m very afraid of witches, and you? / Yo le tengo mucho miedo a las brujas, ¿y tú?
  4. Do you want me to do your makeup for Halloween or do you prefer to wear mask? / ¿Quieres que te maquille para la Noche de Brujas o prefieres usar una máscara?
  5. Why are vampires your favorite scary creatures? / ¿Por qué los vampiros son tus criaturas aterradoras favoritas?
  6. What do you like the most about Halloween? / ¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Halloween?
  7. My favorite Halloween movie is Hocus Pocus and yours? – Oh, really? Why? / Mi película de Halloween favorita es Abracadabra/El retorno de la brujas, ¿y la tuya? – ¿Wow, de verdad?, ¿por qué?
  8. What’s your favorite candy? / ¿Cuál es tu dulce favorito?

Learning Spanish Doesn’t Have to be Scary! We Help Your Kids!

Children are just discovering the world and their own native language, so it can be scary to learn Spanish as a second language already. But it’s actually very recommendable for them to start as young as possible, so they can absorb everything more easily.

Nonetheless, we understand the fear of both parents and kids. You don’t want them to feel like it’s a lot. That’s why here at TruFluency Kids Spanish Immersion, we teach through heart and fun.

Kids won’t feel scared, because we teach through cool everyday Spanish activities, like singing in Spanish, dancing, cooking, playing games, and more. We also have native teachers that will make sure everything they learn is useful in real life.

Even better, our environment is safe to make mistakes and learn instead of feeling embarrassed.

We also base our lessons in our Bellieu Method, created by our founder Micah Bellieu. It consists of speaking using what kids have learned so far. So they practice their conversation skills and fluency, while reinforcing their new knowledge.

Lose the fear of your kids learning a new language and take a trial class now. Or sign up for our next four-week session.