Part of learning Spanish is learning slang. Sadly, many schools don’t teach a lot of slang or not even any at all. That’s really terrible and unrealistic, because Hispanic children use colloquialisms and idioms all the time. So learning slang will make our kids hold real-life conversations with natives without sounding robotic.

TruFluency Kids knows the importance of this topic and we take it seriously. Because we want our kids to thrive and become true masters of the Spanish language. That’s why, to help, we’ve made a series of TikTok videos to learn Spanish slang they do not teach you in school. Today’s TikTok mini lesson is all about the verb “deja”, which is used in a very colloquial way.

English Words in this Lesson Translated to Spanish

Here’s a small list of English words you’ll hear through this TikTok lesson. You might want your kids to also know the Spanish translations of these, as they’re basic words, but of common use. That’s why we translated those words to Spanish:

  • Spanish – Español
  • Teach – Enseñar
  • School – Escuela
  • Frustrating – Frustrante
  • Insert – Insertar
  • Verb – Verbo
  • Usually – Usualmente
  • Means – Significa
  • Something – Algo
  • Before – Antes
  • Example – Ejemplo

Today we are sharing one of three top frustrating phrases used in Spanish. Deja *insert verb* as a way of saying: let me do this before I do that* #latinamom #mom #bilingualmoms #bilingualproblems #aprendeespañol #nosabokids #spanishasasecondlanguage #raisingbilingualkids #raisingbilingual

♬ original sound - trufluencykidsspanish

Spanish Words in this Lesson

Now here are some words in Spanish that were used throughout this TikTok lesson. These are also important for children to learn, because they’re used in daily life:

  • Café – Coffee
  • Mamá – Mom
  • Uno – One
  • Cine – Cinema
  • Películas – Movies
  • Paletas – Popsicles
  • Limón – Lemón
  • ¡Híjole! – Oh boy!

Verbs in Spanish in this Lesson

“Deja” is not the only verb you’ll learn in this TikTok class. There are many other verbs in Spanish that we’ll teach you in this lesson. Here’s a list, so you don’t forget the writing of each:

  • I go – (Yo) Voy
  • I do – (Yo) Hago
  • I leave – (Yo) Dejo
  • I see – (Yo) Veo
  • I look for / I search for – (Yo) Busco
  • Go – Ir
  • Hacer – Do
  • Dejar – Leave
  • Ver – See
  • Look for / Search for – Buscar

If you want to learn the correct pronunciation of each, you’ll have to see the TikTok Spanish lesson. It’s not too long.

“Deja” Slang Word as Explained in TFK TikTok Lesson

So, is “deja” a verb or a slang word? Both! “Deja” is like saying “leave that”, it comes from “dejar” (to leave). For example: Your mom uses it when she says “deja ese chocolate en donde lo encontraste” (“leave that chocolate where you found it”). Or “deja a ese perro en paz” (“leave that dog alone”).

But it can also be used as a slang word. In the TFK TikTok lesson, it’s explained that “deja” or “déjame” as slang is like saying “let me do something before I do something else”. For example:

  • Oye, ¿tienes ganas de ir por un café? – Hey! Do you want to get some coffee?
  • *Sí, pero déjame ver si mi mamá quiere uno. – Sure! Just let me see if my mom also wants one.
  • *Sí, pero deja veo si mi mamá quiere uno. – Sure! Just let me see if my mom also wants one.

If you want to learn more examples, you’ll have to watch the TikTok video. It’s very useful. The more examples you hear, the better you’ll learn.

After you’ve seen the video, leave a comment with your own example using “deja” as a slang word. That way, you’ll practice.

Let TruFluency Kids Teach Your Children Real Spanish

Are you ready to let your kids conquer the Spanish language and speak like a true native? Then, let TruFluency Kids be their Spanish immersion school.

We have native teachers that will guide them through all the challenges of learning a second language. They’ll also teach them real-life Spanish. That is accents, idioms, phrases and overall vocabulary that native people actually use.

Our lessons are based on our Bellieu Method created by our founder and language expert, Micah Bellieu. This method consists of encouraging students to speak in their target language using everything they’ve learned so far.

So, yeah, we’ll make your kids speak in every single lesson. This is the best way to achieve Spanish fluency. Plus, they’ll have tons of fun speaking in class.

On top of that, there’s always an activity in Spanish going on, like singing, dancing, cooking, playing games, and reading. There are no boring moments with us.

Take a 30-minute trial class. If you sign up for it now, it’ll only cost you $9! There are no more than five students, so it’s very personalized. After it, you can be a part of a parent Q & A, so we answer all your doubts.