Have you ever seen your children make a face of disgust when they’re about to eat something they don’t like? Even if it’s something they haven’t tried yet; if they don’t like how it looks, they’ll make an unpleasant face. Have you seen them wrinkle their nose to a bad smell? Or get their tongue out while gagging or making a sound of repulse? Yep, they’re experiencing disgust.

That’s normal, we all feel like that sometimes, even if we’re adults. What can we do? Teach our kids how to express their disgust with words. And we usually do that in their native language, which is totally right. But did you know we should also teach them how to express it in their second language. After all, learning a new language is about communicating properly with others, even those feelings of dislike.

What if they feel nauseous or disgusted and they can’t say it, because they’re surrounded by Spanish speaking people?

So, if your children’s second language is Spanish, please make sure they learn disgusting feelings and emotions in Spanish. That way, they’ll be able to communicate how they feel with people that might not know their mother tongue. Such as their Hispanic friends, foreign neighbors and Spanish teachers. Knowing how to express one’s emotions is important and necessary.

16 Words in Spanish Related to Disgust

  1. Disgust – Asco
  2. Nausea – Náusea
  3. Dislike – Disgustar
  4. Hate – Odio
  5. To hate – Odiar
  6. Distaste – Disgusto
  7. To gross out – Asquear / Dar asco
  8. Reluctance – Reluctancia / Renuencia / Resistencia
  9. To gag – Tener arcadas
  10. Gag reflex – Reflejo nauseoso
  11. Aversion – Aversión
  12. Repugnance – Repugnancia
  13. Abhorrence – Aborrecimiento
  14. To abhorrence – Aborrecer
  15. To repulse – Repulsar
  16. To sicken – Asquear / Enfermar

10 Adjectives in Spanish About Disgust

    1. Disgusting – Asqueroso (a)
    2. Unpleasant – Desagradable
    3. Gross – Asqueroso (a)
    4. Repulsive – Repulsivo (a)
    5. Hideous – Repugnante / Horrible
    6. Sickening – Nauseabundo (a) / Repugnante / Asqueroso (a)
    7. Nasty – Asqueroso (a) / Sucio (a)
    8. Dirty – Sucio (a)
    9. Stinky – Apestoso (a)
    10. Dislikable – Desagradable (a)

*The (a) means that the word it is next to should replace its last letter in order to be feminine. For example: “asqueroso” (masculine) – “asquerosa” (feminine).

10 Spanish Phrases for Kids to Express Disgust

Here are some phrases in Spanish kids can use to express their disgust for something and tell you why they feel that way. You’ll notice some of the words above are used in these sentences. So, these are great exercises to practice reading out loud and the vocabulary above.


  1. Ick! This milk smells hideous. / ¡Iugh! Esta leche huele horrible.
  2. You’re disgusting. / Eres asqueroso (asquerosa).
  3. Why are you so dirty? / ¿Por qué estás tan sucio (sucia)?
  4. Lola and I went to soccer practice and now we’re sweaty and stinky. / Lola y yo fuimos a la práctica de fútbol y ahora estamos sudadas y apestosas.
  5. Ick! Can I eat something else, please? This soup gives me nausea. / ¡Iugh! ¿Puedo comer algo más, por favor? Esta sopa me da náusea.
  6. I hate coffee; it’s disgusting. / Odio el café, es asqueroso.
  7. I really dislike mushrooms; the texture is disgusting. / De verdad me disgustan los champiñones, la textura es asquerosa.
  8. This is a very sickening smells. / Este es un olor muy asqueroso.
  9. Mom, I think Teddy needs a bath; he went to play outside and he’s very stinky now. / Mamá, creo que Teddy necesita un baño, fue a jugar afuera y ahora está muy apestoso.
  10. Ugh! Gross! Please don’t make me eat that! / ¡Ugh, asqueroso! ¡Por favor, no me hagas comer eso!

How to Help Your Kids Learn These Words

Cooking Time!
One of the things we encourage here at TruFluency Kids is learning by making a recipe. Cooking is a fun and interesting activity that will become an important skill for your kids’ future. It’s also the perfect time to bond with your children, as you’ll be there helping them in every step of the way. Plus, it can work as a moment to practice your and your kids’ Spanish and learn about Hispanic cultures.

All you have to do is choose a recipe from a Spanish speaking traditional dish, like Mexican tamales or Venezuelan arepas. Print the recipe, but make sure the steps are in Spanish, so you can practice your reading and learn Spanish grammar and writing.

You should also make it a rule that you and your kids will only speak Spanish throughout the whole process. Or just your kids if you don’t know the language well.

Since we don’t want kids to get hurt, they can help only with the easiest tasks. These can be decorating the plate, washing the dishes and throwing some spices. You decide what everyone does. Another interesting thing you could do is research the history of the dish you’re making and tell it to your kids.

Food is always one of the things kids love or are disgusted by the most, depending on the food. So, we’re sure that during cooking time conversation about some of the foods and ingredients they dislike will come up. And they’ll have to use some of the words above.

See? Cooking will bring tons of benefits for your kids, including vocabulary learning, speaking practice and cultural immersion.

Crossword puzzle
Create a crossword puzzle for your kids to resolve. Use the vocabulary lists we gave you above. If your kids are Spanish beginners and don’t know many of these words, create an easy crossword. Just write all the words they have to fit in the crossword in a box next to it.

You should also write sentences next to the words, explaining what they mean. So, when the children figure out where the word fits in, they’ll also know the meaning of that word.

If you want to make it harder, then just put clues explaining what the word is. For example: 1. “This word is what you do when something disgusts you. It’s a sound.” (The word: to gag). But don’t write the word. Kids must guess and know which word is, as well as know how to write it. This is perfect for intermediate and advanced learners.

It’ll be fun and you’ll entertain them for a good amount of time. Plus, they’ll learn beyond the pronunciation of the word. They’ll also learn how it’s written and what it means.

Help Your Kids Express Their Emotions in Spanish to the Fullest with TruFluency Kids

Your kids are now ready to tell you and anyone when something disgusts them and explain why. But let’s face it, that’s not the only emotion they’ll ever get. There are many other feelings your kids will experience, and they should be able to know how to explain those in Spanish as well.

We have other blogs about Spanish vocabulary for feelings and emotions. But even if you read those, we strongly believe your children must take TruFluency Kids Spanish classes. That is, if you really want them to master the language and express themselves fluently.

We have native teachers ready to make every class a fun moment for all students. They’ll also ensure your kids learn useful things, like more emotions and other types of Spanish vocabulary. As well as all language skills, such as reading, listening and speaking. Especially speaking.

That’s right, we will have enough time in every lesson for kids to talk! Sounds crazy? Well, it’s not. We encourage speaking in Spanish, because it’s the best way for kids to strengthen what they’ve learned and get fluent.

We also know how busy your family’s agenda can get, so our classes are completely online, and we have flexible schedules. So your children can study with us from anywhere.

Take a trial class first if you want to see how well we work. Then, sign up your kids for our next four-week session.