In our increasingly globalized world where over 7,117 known languages are spoken, it’s becoming more important than ever to help your child become bilingual. Our friends at The Cultured Kid know that fluency doesn’t happen instantly; maybe your child isn’t speaking as...
Are you worried that your child isn’t speaking enough in their language classes? If so, there’s no need to be anxious; it’s natural! Renowned linguists and scientists everywhere regard listening as a crucial part of the language acquisition process. One of those...
You’ve probably heard that it’s very easy for a child to learn and become fluent in a second language. There is a lot of truth in that. It sure looks easy if you compare a child learning a language to an adult learning a language. If you’ve studied languages as an...
If you’re reading this, it’s a safe bet that you want your kids to become fluent in Spanish. But chances are you also have some questions about the best way to accomplish this. Some of the biggest questions parents have about language education are about when to start...