How to Raise a Bilingual Child (If You’re Not Bilingual)

How to Raise a Bilingual Child (If You’re Not Bilingual)

Raising a bilingual child, even if you’re bilingual, is simply hard. Even harder if you’re in a multicultural marriage, where one of your speaks 2 languages, and the other only speaks 1. For example, someone who speaks English only, and someone who speaks English and...
10 Tips for Helping your Child Learn Spanish

10 Tips for Helping your Child Learn Spanish

If you do not speak Spanish, then it’s quite hard to help your child learn it! Maybe your children are in dual language, and you worry that they’ll forget all their Spanish this summer. Or, you wish with all your might that you were bilingual, but you’re one of those...
How Alexandra Teaches Spanish at Home

How Alexandra Teaches Spanish at Home

TFK sat down with Alexandra Gastelum-Sullivan to hear about how she has succeeded in raising bilingual children. Where are you from? I was born in El Paso but was raised in Juarez, then came back to Texas for college. What language did you grow up speaking in your...