If your kids are studying Spanish at school, you might be feeling a bit nervous about the upcoming holiday break. Are your kids going to forget everything they’ve been learning? You’re right to be concerned, but don’t panic. Forgetting information and then recalling it later can actually strengthen retention over the long term.

Plus, there’s plenty you can do at home to keep Spanish front of mind for your kids until they head back to class. Now, we’re not suggesting that your kids spend their break poring over Spanish textbooks. That would be downright Grinch-like! Instead, let’s talk about some fun ways to incorporate Spanish into your holidays that don’t feel at all like homework.

Provide Books in Spanish

This is a tip that works for kids of all ages. Small children will love Spanish-language storybooks you can read together. If you don’t speak Spanish yourself, it shouldn’t take too long to familiarize yourself with the key Spanish vocabulary words you’ll need to read the books aloud.

Look for Spanish-language books with illustrations that help your little ones make connections between the words they’re hearing and the actions they represent. Spanish-language graphic novels can serve the same purpose for older kids.

Your kids will be more likely to enjoy reading time in Spanish if you select books about subjects they’re already interested in. So keep that in mind when you’re planning those holiday-break library trips or selecting gifts for your children.

Hire a Spanish-Speaking Babysitter

If you need someone to watch your kids while you’re at holiday parties, look for a babysitter who exclusively speaks Spanish. Why is this important? Well, if your kids know that the sitter understands and speaks English, that’s the language they’re going to end up speaking.

We’re also going to let you in on a little secret: You don’t have to leave the house for your children to benefit from a Spanish-speaking babysitter. Ask your sitter to keep an eye on the kids while you’re wrapping gifts or whipping up some holiday treats.

A couple more tips for making the most of your kids’ time with their sitter: Ask the sitter to read books in Spanish with your kids and ask them questions about the books, or tell the kids stories about their own experiences.

If your sitter is game, ask them to take your kids on outings to different places, like the park or the grocery store. Each place they visit will lead to them using different Spanish vocabulary words (for example, names of foods at the store).

Give Your Child the Gift of Spanish!

Sing Spanish Songs Together

Crank up a playlist of age-appropriate songs in Spanish. Even if they don’t understand every word, your little kids will try to imitate what they’re hearing. For big kids, listening to Spanish-language music in a genre they like gives them a chance to hear how native Spanish speakers actually use the language.

Think about it: Here in the U.S., everyday English sounds a lot different than the English that’s in textbooks. We use slang, run words together, etc. The same is true for Spanish.

Keep this tip in mind whenever you need to while away some hours on a holiday road trip or help your kids burn off some energy by singing and dancing when they’re stuck in the house on a cold day.

Go to Events Where Spanish Will Be Spoken

Holiday events are such a great way to make memories with your kids. And there are bound to be some events near you where your kids can hear Spanish being spoken. For example, maybe your place of worship has some holiday services in Spanish.

Or perhaps there’s a local holiday market that includes Hispanic merchants or food vendors. As a bonus, these events can help teach your kids about Spanish-speaking cultural and holiday traditions!

More Ideas for Holiday Fun in Spanish

It’s inevitable: At some point during the holiday break, your kids are going to complain that they’re bored. When they do, be ready with some Spanish-language holiday activities and learning resources. Here are a few articles to explore on the TruFluency Kids blog:


Keep Their Enthusiasm Going With TruFluency Kids Spanish Classes

If you like the ideas in this article, then you’ll love our approach to teaching Spanish at TruFluency Kids. We believe that kids learn best while they’re hearing and speaking Spanish as they enjoy themselves.

That’s why our classes emphasize fun. Kids engage in activities like singing, dancing, reading, playing games, doing crafts, and even cooking. All in Spanish!

To learn more about how we can help your kids learn Spanish, sign them up for a trial class now! There are no more than four to six students, so it feels super personalized. When the trial is finished, you can join a Q & A for parents.