Hey everyone, Micah here with TruFluency Kids Spanish Immersion and of course, I’m always with Alex.

Hello. Hola, Hola.

And as always, we are two mamas fighting for our kids’ bilingualism because it is tough. Whether you speak the language or you don’t speak the language that you want your kid to learn, it’s tough. If you’re living in an English only environment and you’re trying to teach Spanish, you’re fighting for the Spanish time like Alex is. So Alex is gonna teach our weekly Spanish phrase for the parents to help them incorporate Spanish in their daily lives and she was telling me about a common phrase she uses every day. Alex?

Spanish Phrase – How to say “Pick Up” in Spanish: A recoger

This is my favorite one. A recoger. A recoger.

Pick up. So there’s a lot of r’s in there people. A-re-co-ger.

A recoger. Yes, it means pick up. Pick up time. Pick up the toys, pick up the mess. At the end of the day I tell them, “Ok ninas, a recoger! And then my husband, he says, “Pick up time!” So actually, we have two songs for it. Whenever they’re with me, it’s “a recoger, a recoger, a reco reco reco ger!

Oh, that’s easy.

Mhmm. And then my husband says, “Pick up, pick up, everybody do your share”.

I know it too. Of course, I do. I’m American and I grew up with this song.

Sing us…sing us your song again so we can remember it.

A recoger, a recoger, a reco reco reco ger!

Ok, everyone. Tonight after playtime, what are we gonna do?

A recoger, a recoger, a reco reco reco ger!

Nice! Awesome! Thank you so much, Alex! And that is our weekly phrase guys! So make sure you say it tonight to get the kids to clean up. See you another time!
