Are you finally ready for your kids to start their Spanish language learning journey? Great; we bet they’ll love it. But let’s not rush into it, just like with any other language they must start with the basics.

What’s one of the most basic yet most important things your kids must learn in Spanish? That’s right, months of the year!

After all, that’s one of the most common topics; we use the names of the months for many things. With them we put the date on our homework, mark our calendars with the deadline for a project, celebrate birthdays and anniversaries, and more.

So, here’s the perfect guide to the months of the year in Spanish for your kids.

Spanish Months of the Year

Here are the meses del año in Spanish. You’ll notice we added their pronunciation, according to the Span¡sh Dict!onary:

  1. January – enero (eh-neh-roh)
  2. February – febrero (feh-breh-roh)
  3. March – marzo (LATAM: mahr-soh) (SPAIN: mahr-thoh)
  4. April – abril (ah-breel)
  5. May – mayo (mah-yoh)
  6. June – junio (hoo-nyoh)
  7. July – julio (hoo-lyoh)
  8. August – agosto (ah-gohs-toh)
  9. September – septiembre (sehp-tyehm-breh)
  10. October – octubre (ohk-too-breh)
  11. November – noviembre (noh-byehm-breh)
  12. December – diciembre (LATAM: dee-syehm-breh) (SPAIN:dee-thyehm-breh)

Note: In Spanish, the names of months are not capitalized.

How Can Kids Practice the Months of the Year


Through songs!

Just like we all learned the alphabet through a catchy song, kids can also learn months of the year through music. With songs, the learning process might even get easier for them, because the rhythm and catchy melody will make them memorize the words. Remember that kids love music, so bilingual songs are a great learning tool. There are many songs about the months of the year in Spanish on YouTube, just play them for your children. You can even sing with them and have a fun study time together.


Use a calendar in Spanish

If you have a family calendar hanging on your kitchen wall, on the refrigerator or somewhere around the house, consider changing it for one in Spanish. That way, every time your kids see the calendar, they’ll read the name of the months in Spanish.

Might seem like something simple, but it’s actually very beneficial, because you’re using an immersion method. That is, you’re making them learn the language by making things from their everyday environment to be in Spanish.

It’s like a very casual way of learning. They might not even notice that they’re learning, but believe us, they are.

If your kids have an agenda, consider doing the same and give them a Spanish agenda.


Use the months in Spanish to talk about special occasions

Talk with your kids about a special occasion for them using the Spanish months of the year. For example, if their birthday is coming up, ask your kid: “Are you excited that marzo is almost here, because it’s the month of your birthday?”

You could also say something like: “It’s finally diciembre, Santa is almost here!” Even if there’s no special occasion that month, you can still add the name of a month in a sentence every now and then. For example: “So far, I’ve really enjoyed Julio”.

The goal is to very casually incorporate the Spanish month in a conversation. They’ll connect that word with their special occasion and therefore, will understand which month you’re talking about. That way children won’t feel like they’re studying but will still acquire the words.

TruFluency Kids Helps Your Children through their Spanish Journey

Now your children know all the months of the year in Spanish. Awesome! Now what? They need to keep learning more vocabulary for other situations and most importantly, they need to practice it.

They also need to improve other language areas, like Spanish reading and listening. It sounds like too much and sometimes it can be confusing or difficult. But TruFluency Kids makes it easy for you!

We offer online Spanish classes with flexible schedules, so you choose the one that fits your and your kids agenda the best. Our native teachers will make sure your kids learn important things they’ll actually use.

The best of all is that our learning approach is incredibly fun. We know how much energy and enthusiasm kids have, so we teach through songs in Spanish, games, dancing, cooking and crafting. They’ll become fluent in Spanish while having tons of fun!

Sign up for our next four-week session or take a trial class first.