Tell us: What’s one of the most common places where kids will practice their Spanish speaking? That’s right, school! It’s not just because of language class, but also because they’ll interact with friends. Some of which may be Hispanic or might be learning Spanish alongside your kids.
Because of that, a common topic that will come up from time to time – almost daily – will be lunch break. Children love asking others what they are eating and sharing with each other. That’s so sweet of them!
Speaking of this, guess what’s one of the most popular questions kids ask during lunch break? That’s right: “¿Qué comes?” (what are you eating?) Good news is that’s one of the topics and expressions we’ve been working on in our TruFluency Kids’ classes!
Today, we’ll show you just a small part of those classes, so you can get an idea on how we teach.
Come learn with us!
“El niño nuevo” (The new kid) Chapter 3
At TruFluency Kids Spanish immersion we like learning through Spanish stories. So for the current course, we’re reading “El niño nuevo”, an original Spanish story for Spanish learners from TruFluency Kids.
What is it about?
“El niño nuevo” (the new kid) is the story of Félix, the new kid in school. He’s very unique, because he is always floating! At school, he’ll meet other kids with special quirks, just like him, and he’ll learn many things.
This week we read the third chapter, where Félix meets Rex during the school’s lunch break. Rex is a kid that eats weird things.
Here’s the first page of the third chapter of this story with the keywords and most used phrases in bold. Remember: This is just a sneak peak.
You should know that in this first page Félix is talking with Otto, a kid that speaks backwards. So you might notice that the dialogues sound very odd; they’re not in order in Spanish, so they’re also not in order in the English translation:
- La clase de español termina. / The Spanish class ends.
- La maestra Luz dice: ¡Terminamos, niños! Vamos al patio. / Teacher Luz says: ¡We’re done, kids! Let’s go to the yard.
- Es hora del recreo. / It’s time for lunch break.
- Todos los niños corren al patio. / All of the kids ran to the yard.
- Otto dice: ¡Patio al vamos! / Oto says: Yard to the let’s go!
- Félix dice: Otto, ¿me ayudas a salir al patio? / Félix says: Otto, can you help me go out to the yard?
- Otto dice: Ayudo te sí. / Otto says: I help you yes.

Give Your Child the Gift of Spanish!
Spanish Activity for Class
In our Spanish classes we like doing different activities in Spanish. This way we make sure kids truly understood the story. They’ll also reinforce their Spanish vocabulary and will learn how to use it in real life.
Do you want to know what kinds of activities we do? Fine, we’ll tell you about one related to chapter 3. But it will only be a teaser about one of our activities. If you want to see more activities or learn more about our curriculum, you’ll have to enroll in TruFluency Kids.
After reading the story, we’re going to show some foods and beverages on a slide. Kids will have to make food combinations with those pictures. They can be as weird or as delicious as they want.
Children will have tons of fun experimenting with the ingredients.
The teacher will constantly ask “¿Qué comes en el patio de la escuela?” (What do you eat in the school yard?) The kids can ask too.
Students will have to react to their classmates’ combinations with the Spanish phrases:
- ¡Qué raro! (How weird!)
- ¡Qué rico! (How tasty!)
Then, we’ll pass onto a Wordwall board, where there will already be some food combinations waiting for everyone. The images of the dishes will pass one by one, and kids will have to react to them using the phrases we learned above.
Did You Like What You Read? Take a TruFluency Kids’ Trial Class Now!
We’re so glad you liked this sneak peek of our classes. There’s way more we haven’t shown you yet.
TruFluency Kids online Spanish immersion is committed to your children’s language journey. Our native teachers really want them to learn useful things for real life, while enjoying the journey.
That’s why we have tons of other fun activities to learn Spanish, like singing, doing crafts, dancing, and even cooking! There are no boring moments with us.
On top of that, we base our lessons in the Bellieu Method, created by our founder and CEO, Micah Bellieu. Through it, we encourage students to speak in Spanish using all they’ve learned so far. Because practice is the key to Spanish fluency confidence.
We also care about our busy parents. That’s why our children’s Spanish lessons take place seven days a week with flexible schedules, from 9 am to 9 pm (CST).
Sign up your kids to a 30-minute trial class now! There are no more than four to six students, so everything is very personalized. After the trial class, you can join a Q & A for parents to answer all your questions.