One of the coolest ways for kids to improve their Spanish skills is by watching cartoons. No, we’re not kidding. Think about it: Kids love watching tv, they have tons of fun with cartoons and can be entertained by tv shows for hours.

Now, we’re not saying you should allow your children to be in front of the tv for long periods of time. Nor that they should be in charge of the remote control. But whenever it’s their screen time, you can put some cartoons in Spanish for them. So they acquire a new language while having fun.

Do you know which TV show is loved by kids? Paw Patrol. Not for anything there are 10 seasons! Maybe you already know this, because your kids might be fans of it. Good news is you can also watch this cartoon in Spanish. We highly recommend you do that.

To help your kids, here’s a guide to learn Spanish with “La Patrulla Canina”, also known as “Paw Patrol”.

Spanish Words Related to Paw Patrol

  1. Paw Patrol – La Patrulla Canina / Patrulla de Cachorros
  2. Paw – Pata
  3. Patrol – Patrulla
  4. Dogs – Perros
  5. Puppies – Cachorros
  6. Adventure Bay – Bahía Aventura
  7. Backpack / Pupback – Mochila
  8. Hat – Sombrero
  9. Mission – Misión
  10. Adventures – Aventuras
  11. Rescue dogs – Perros de rescate
  12. Rescate – Rescue
  13. Rescatar – To rescue
  14. Firefighter / Fire dog – Bombero / Perro bombero
  15. Police pup – Perro policía
  16. Construction pup – Cachorro constructor
  17. Water rescue pup – Cachorro de rescate acuático
  18. Aviation pilot / Aerial rescue pup – Piloto aviador / Perro de rescate aéreo
  19. Recycling pup – Cachorro reciclador
  20. Vehicles / Pupmobiles – Vehículos
  21. Hovercraft – Aerodeslizador
  22. Helicopter – Helicóptero
  23. Truck – Camión
  24. Spy police truck – Coche patrulla
  25. Fire truck – Camión de bomberos
  26. Bulldozer – Excavadora
  27. Characters – Personajes
  28. Teamwork – Trabajo en equipo

Paw Patrol Iconic Phrases in Spanish

“Paw Patrol” characters have different catch-phrases that have become iconic. When you hear them, you know who they’re talking about.

Here are some of those iconic phrases in English. In parenthesis you have the literal Spanish translations, not necessarily the way they’re said in the cartoon in Spanish.

  • Paw Patrol is on a roll! (¡La Patrulla Canina está en una racha!)
  • No job is too big, no pup is too small! (¡Ningún trabajo es muy grande, ningún cachorro es muy pequeño!)
  • I’m fired up! (¡Estoy entusiasmado!)
  • Let’s take to the sky! (¡Vamos al cielo!)
  • Chase is on the case! (¡Chase está en el caso!)
  • Let’s dig it! (¡Vamos a cavarlo!)
  • Let’s dive in! (¡Vamos a sumergirnos!)
  • Ready, set, get wet! (¡Listos, prepárense, a mojarse!)
  • Don’t lose it, reuse it! (¡No lo pierdas, reutilízalo!)
  • Ice or snow, I’m ready to go! (Hielo o nieve, ¡estoy listo para ir!)
  • Green means go! (¡Verde significa ir!)

But some things can get lost in translation when you translate literally. That’s why some shows change some phrases a little bit. So they make more sense in the target language.

So here are some catch-phrases in Spanish from “La Patrulla Canina”. This way you actually learn some phrases they use in the Spanish version. Inside the parenthesis you’ll find the literal translations in English, so you can understand what they say.

  • ¡No hay nada imposible para la patrulla canina! (There is nothing impossible for the canine patrol!)
  • ¡Chase el superestrella siempre alerta! (Chase the superstar always alert!)
  • ¡Luz verde y adelante! (Green light and go!)
  • ¡Antes de tirarlo, reciclarlo! (Before throwing it away, recycle it!)
  • ¡A toda mecha! (At full fuse!)
  • ¡Listos para el guau guau rescate! (Ready for the woof woof rescue!)
  • ¡A volar se ha dicho! (To fly, it’s been said!)
  • ¡A toda máquina! (At full machine!)
  • ¡Al agua patos! (To the water ducks!)
  • ¡Ni el hielo ni la nieve a mi me detiene! (Nor the ice nor the snow stops me!)

Have you read what’s in the parenthesis? Now you see why some literal translations are not the best. Besides Spanish, with this you’ve also learned something new: the importance of dubbing and professional translators. Yay!

Listen to Paw Patrol Spanish Songs!

Do you know what’s another incredibly joyful activity for kids that also helps them learn a new language? Listening to music and singing along! Music is something many children love, we can’t blame them, it’s awesome.

It’s also a good way to introduce them to a new language and help them acquire it naturally. It’s even better when the songs are about their favorite tv shows!

Like many children’s shows and cartoons, Paw Patrol has some memorable musical moments. So play some of the songs from Paw Patrol in Spanish for your kids.

Tips to help your kids learn with Paw Patrol songs:

  • If your kids are complete beginners, you can first listen to the song in English. So they understand what the song is about. Then, once they’re more familiarized with it, play the Spanish version with subtitles. That way, they’ll be hearing new vocabulary, but they’ll already know what the song says.
  • Plus, they’ll also be reading the words and phrases in Spanish, so they also learn the writing. After, play the song in Spanish without subtitles. See? The process of learning with songs can be gradual and depending on their language level.
  • Look up the Spanish lyrics on YouTube and follow along while listening to the songs. You can also read to your children the lyrics first, so they’re more prepared, and then play the song. Once again. If the kids are beginners, read the lyrics in English and then in Spanish. You can even compare them.
  • Don’t forget to watch the videos for the songs while you listen to them. You can find them on YouTube. Watching what’s happening in the video will give your kids some context to support their listening skills.
  • Maybe they don’t know a lot of the Spanish vocabulary yet, but they’ll understand it a bit more by seeing what’s going on the screen at the same time as the song is playing.
  • Encourage them to try to sing along, so they not only practice their listening, but also their pronunciation and speaking.

We recommend:

This is the most important song! It’s the opening; it’s like the hymn of the series.

This is an easy song, perfect for beginners. It’s not very long and though it doesn’t have a lot of vocabulary, there are some important words and phrases in Spanish.

Do you want to teach your kids some value while learning Spanish through songs? This is your song! This song is about the power of friendship and counting on your friends.

Children will learn about the value of friendship and acquire some vocabulary around it. The best benefit this song gives is that kids will be able to use the vocabulary at school with their friends.

This is a fun one! It’s about the dogs being on a ship adventure being friendly pirates. Kids will learn basic vocabulary to play pirates and which kid doesn’t love to play that? Plus, if you watch the video, you’ll get to see the Paw Patrol dogs dressed in super cute pirate costumes.

Questions and Phrases in Spanish to Talk about Paw Patrol

Talking about their favorite show is one of the best ways to make kids no longer just learn or memorize the language but finally speak it.

That’s why we leave here some questions and phrases in Spanish for kids to talk about Paw Patrol with anyone they want.

  • My favorite cartoon is Paw Patrol. / Mi caricatura favorita es La Patrulla Canina.
  • What’s your favorite character from Paw Patrol? / ¿Cuál es tu personaje favorito de La Patrulla Canina?
  • My favorite character is Chase. / Mi personaje favorito es Chase.
  • Do you like Paw Patrol? / ¿Te gusta Patrulla de Cachorros?
  • Did you watch yesterday’s episode? / ¿Viste el episodio de ayer?
  • If I were a Paw Patrol puppy, I’d like to be a fire dog. / Si yo fuera un cachorro de La Patrulla Canina me gustaría ser un perro bombero.
  • I wish I had a helicopter like Skye. / Ojalá tuviera un helicóptero como Skye.
  • We should work as a team like the Paw Patrol puppies. / Deberíamos trabajar como equipo como los cachorros de La Patrulla Canina.
  • My favorite catchphrase from Paw Patrol is “don’t lose it, reuse it!”, because it teaches a good lesson on recycling. / Mi eslogan favorito de Patrulla de Cachorros es “¡antes de tirarlo, reciclarlo!”, porque enseña una buena lección sobre reciclaje.
  • When I grow up, I want to be a police officer, like Chase from Paw Patrol. / Cuando crezca quiero ser un oficial de policía como Chase de Patrulla de Cachorros.
  • My favorite Paw Patrol song is “You can call on me”, what’s yours? / Mi canción favorita de La Patrulla Canina es “Me puedes llamar”, ¿cuál es la tuya?”
  • Mom, guess what? There’s a new classmate who’s also a fan of Paw Patrol! / Mamá, ¿adivina qué? ¡Hay un nuevo compañero que también es fan de Patrulla de Cachorros!

TruFluency Kids Has a Spanish Mission for All Parents Out There

Attention parents! If you’ve read this blog, practice the vocabulary with your kids and put our tips into practice, it’s time for your next mission. Are you ready?

Enroll your kids in their next Spanish adventure! That is Spanish classes. Children still need to learn more vocabulary and have more Spanish practice to develop all their language skills. And Spanish lessons will do that for them.

But wait a minute! They must be cool, fun Spanish classes with committed teachers. So your kids love the learning process. TruFluency Kids does exactly that!

We teach through fun activities, like singing, dancing, playing games, cooking and doing crafts in Spanish. There are no boring moments with us.

We also have native teachers that will make sure your children improve all language skills, from writing to speaking. Yes, we’ll encourage your kids to speak in class. That’s the best way they’ll achieve Spanish fluency. Soon, you won’t be able to stop them from talking about “La Patrulla Canina” or their favorite Netflix show in Spanish all day long.

Go sign them up for a 30-minute trial class for only $9! They’ll love it and you won’t regret it. Oh yeah, and after the trial class has finished you can participate in a Q & A for parents, so we answer your questions.

Studying with us will be the most useful and most fun adventure for your kids!