If you clicked on this blog it’s because we’re sure you’ve heard of Bluey. That adorable, cute, curious, bright and breezy puppy all kids love nowadays. It’s not surprising at all. Lately, the popularity of this cartoon has gone through the roof. And it’s all because of the sweet animations, along with the fun adventures the characters go through. But most importantly, the values and vulnerable topics they talk about, always with respect.

So, really, we understand why you want your kids to learn Spanish with Bluey. But is it possible? Yes! We can help you! With our guide to Bluey in Spanish, you’ll see how this beautiful puppy can not only teach your children good values, but also a new language.

Spanish Words Related to Bluey

  1. Puppy – Cachorro (male) / Cachorra (female)
  2. Dogs – Perros
  3. Mom – Mamá
  4. Dad – Papá
  5. Sister – Hermana
  6. Aunt – Tía
  7. Uncle – Tío
  8. Grandparents – Abuelos
  9. Family – Familia
  10. Friends – Amigos
  11. Friendship – Amistad
  12. Adventures – Aventuras
  13. Breed – Raza
  14. School – Escuela
  15. House – Casa
  16. Home – Hogar
  17. Imagination – Imaginación
  18. Archaeologist – Arqueólogo (male) / Arqueóloga (female)
  19. Airport security – Seguridad aeroportuaria
  20. To play – Jugar
  21. To watch – Mirar
  22. Television – Televisión
  23. Cartoon series / Cartoon – Serie animada / Caricatura
  24. Australian – Australiano (male) / Australiana (female)

Breeds in Spanish from Bluey

The cartoon series “Bluey” has many different dog breeds as characters. They all have different names, colors and personalities, just like in real life! You might be as curious as Bluey to know some of the Spanish names of the different breeds from the show. So here they are:


  1. Blue heeler / Australian cattle dog – Pastor Ganadero Australiano
  2. Red heeler / Australian cattle dogs – Pastor Ganadero Australiano
  3. German shepherd – Pastor alemán
  4. Dalmatian – Dálmata
  5. Jack Russell terrier – Jack Russell terrier
  6. Cocker Spaniel – Cocker Spaniel Inglés
  7. Labrador retriever – Labrador retriever / Labrador
  8. Chihuahua – Chihuahua / Chihuahueño
  9. Poodle – Caniche
  10. Schnauzer – Schnauzer
  11. Beagle – Beagle
  12. Dachshund – Perro salchicha / Teckel
  13. Border collie – Border collie / Collie de la frontera
  14. English bulldog – Bulldog inglés / Bulldog
  15. Saint Bernard – San Bernardo
  16. Teacup Pomeranian – Pomerania toy / Pomerania tacita de té
  17. Chow chow – Chow chow
  18. Scottish terrier mix – Terrier escocés
  19. Australian red kelpie – Kelpie australiano
  20. Afghan hound – Lebrel afgano / Sabueso afgano
  21. Australian Shepherd – Pastor ovejero australiano
  22. Pug – Pug / Doguillo / Carlino

Phrases in Spanish from Bluey

There are so many iconic phrases that have been said in “Bluey”, we’re sure your kids have their favorite ones. Maybe you have your favorite ones too. And maybe you all have started saying some of those phrases in your daily lives.

So here are some phrases from “Bluey” in Spanish in case you want to add them into your everyday life:


  1. I slipped on my beans! / ¡Me resbalé con mis frijoles!
  2. Biscuits! / ¡Chispas! Or ¡Ay, qué mal! Or ¡No puede ser!
  3. Tactical wee! / Pis táctico.
  4. For real life? Or: For real life. / ¿Para la vida real? O: Para la vida real.
  5. It’s gotta be done! / ¡Hay que hacerlo!
  6. Magic claw has no children. His days are free and easy. / Garra Mágica no tiene hijos. Sus días son libres y fáciles.

Give Your Child the Gift of Spanish!

Phrases in Spanish to Talk about Bluey

Now, here are some Spanish phrases – and some questions, too – your kids can use to talk about “Bluey”. After all, talking about something they like makes the process of speaking in a second language easier and cooler. They can use these phrases when talking to their friends, classmates, parents, or anyone else.


  1. My favorite cartoon is “Bluey”. / Mi caricatura favorita es “Bluey”.
  2. I love “Bluey”, because the cartoons are very cute. / Amo “Bluey” porque las caricaturas son muy lindas.
  3. My favorite character from “Bluey” is Chloe. / Mi personaje favorito de “Bluey” es Chloe.
  4. Hey dad, what if we name our new puppy “Lucky”, like Bluey’s neighbor? / Hey, papá, ¿y si nombramos a nuestro nuevo cachorro
  5. “Lucky”, como el vecino de Bluey?
  6. Did you watch the new episode of “Bluey”? / ¿Viste el nuevo capítulo de “Bluey”?
  7. Last night, I cried watching “Bluey”. / Anoche lloré viendo “Bluey”.
  8. Do you want to watch “Bluey” with us? / ¿Quieres ver “Bluey” con nosotros?
  9. Guess what, mom? I made a new friend at school that’s also a fan of “Bluey”! / ¿Adivina qué, mamá? ¡Hice un nuevo amigo en la escuela que también es fan de “Bluey”!
  10. Gloria told us she has a dachshund that looks just like Snickers from “Bluey”. Wow! / Gloria nos dijo que tiene un perro salchicha que es igualito a Snickers de “Bluey”. ¡Wow!
  11. Mommy, I’d like my party to be “Bluey” themed, pretty please. Yes? / Mami, me gustaría que la temática de mi fiesta sea de “Bluey”, por favor. ¿Sí?
  12. When I grow up, I want to be an archaeologist, like Bluey’s dad. / Cuando crezca, quiero ser arqueólogo como el papá de Bluey.
  13. I love that “Bluey” has a lot of family and friendship values. / Amo que “Bluey” tiene muchos valores de familia y amigos.

Questions in Spanish to Start a Conversation about Bluey

Asking questions to your kids about something they love is always a good idea to start a conversation. They’ll love to talk about what they like. So, if you ask them questions in Spanish about their favorite tv show, there are more chances they’ll answer back in Spanish. Especially if you make that a rule.

To help you out, here are 5 questions about “Bluey” you can ask them to start a conversation in Spanish:


  1. Why is “Bluey” your favorite tv show? / ¿Por qué “Bluey” es tu programa de tv favorito?
  2. Which one is your favorite character from “Bluey”? Oh, really? Why? / ¿Cuál es tu personaje favorito de “Bluey”? ¿Ah, de verdad? ¿Por qué?
  3. Which things would you like to have in your “Bluey” themed birthday party? / ¿Qué cosas te gustaría tener en tu fiesta de “Bluey”?
  4. I’ve noticed you love “Bluey” a lot! What is it about? / He notado que te gusta mucho “Bluey”. ¿De qué trata?
  5. What did you learned today watching “Bluey”? / ¿Qué aprendiste hoy al ver “Bluey”?

How to Learn and Practice Your Bluey Vocabulary


Watch in Spanish

One of the easiest and more obvious tips we can give you is to watch the episodes of Bluey in Spanish. If you usually watch it in English, you might feel weird changing the sound to Spanish. But it’s super important you do it, as it’ll help your kids improve in many areas of the language. They’ll acquire new Spanish vocabulary, practice their listening, learn the correct pronunciation, and therefore, upgrade their speaking.

If your children are complete Spanish beginners, you can play the cartoon along with Spanish subtitles. So you help them start. As they advance both in the show and in their Spanish classes, they lose the subtitles.

It might be hard at first, but it’ll be worth it.


Explore the Bluey website in Spanish

“Bluey” has its own website for kids and parents to explore. Of course, the original is in English, but we recommend you check it out in Spanish along with your kids. You can check who the characters are and read about them, watch some clips in Spanish of different episodes, and even play online games.

All of this will help children improve different language areas, especially listening because of the videos and reading. Plus, kids nowadays love the internet, so they’ll have fun while using their online time for good.


Ignite conversations in Spanish by asking questions

Kids love talking about what they love and they’re passionate about. This can go from a hobby to their favorite subject to a tv show. So we’re sure that they’ll love talking about “Bluey”, maybe they already do that but in English. This time, make sure they do it in Spanish. But how? Well, you can ask questions in Spanish to encourage them to answer in Spanish as well (we have some examples above).

Because they’re not fluent in Spanish yet, they might resist the language and answer in English. Don’t worry, our founder, Micah Bellieu, has the best tips to help children answer in Spanish. This includes giving them time to think of the answer and words.


Throw a Bluey theme party

If your kids’ birthday is coming around, don’t hesitate to throw them a “Bluey” theme party in Spanish. Nowadays, “Bluey” has become a very popular theme for parties, because many kids love the show. So they’ll have tons of fun at this party even if it’s not in their native language. It’s like an immersion method.

Go look for all the decorations, make the cake with your kids and while you cook talk in Spanish. You can also make the invitations in Spanish (your kids can help you). Invite Hispanic friends, as well as friends from your Spanish classes that are just learning the language.

But even if you invite friends and people that don’t know any Spanish, they can be at the party. The best that will happen is that they’ll learn a bit of Spanish and will fall in love with the language.

To encourage everyone to speak Spanish during the party, send this blog to all your guests, so they learn the words and phrases above.

Add TFK Lessons to Your Spanish Practice Routine

Huh, what’s that? Oh, you’ve finally created a routine to watch “Bluey” in Spanish with your kids? Awesome! You’ll be super happy seeing them improve their Spanish in a fun way. But did you know that with us they can improve even more without leaving fun aside?

That’s right! TruFluency Kids offers Spanish immersion classes for your kids. This means the environment of our classes is in complete Spanish, we barely use English. The activities we do are super fun. We sing, dance, craft, do storytelling, play games, and even cook in Spanish! So they acquire the language naturally, almost like they did with their mother tongue.

We also encourage all students to speak in Spanish, so they achieve language fluency.

Why don’t you sign up your kids for a 30-minute trial class?  The classes are super personalized, because we don’t have more than six students. After it, you’ll get the chance to be in a parent Q & A to answer all your doubts.