Rawr! Ooh oooh, aah aah! Auuu! Oh my god! What is that? Is there a tiger around us? No, wait, it’s a monkey… No, I think it’s a wolf! Oh no, wait, you just arrived at the perfect blog to learn wild animal names in Spanish. So, no worries. This is great news! Not only...
One of the things kids enjoy the most in life is animals! It’s so much fun to discover new cute animal faces. As well as copy the “rawr” of the lion and the “moo” of the cows, learn about their habitats, and find out their names. That’s why animals are also a great...
Even if your kids are taking Spanish classes at school or are enrolled in private Spanish lessons, it’s still important to build vocabulary at other times as well — including when you’re at home. Now, that might sound like a lot of work for both you and the kids. But...
Whether you just moved to a Spanish speaking country or are just going for vacation there, celebrating your holidays can be quite different. Especially if you’re traveling with your kids. It’s definitely a great opportunity for them to improve their language skills,...
Skeletons are crawling out of their graves. Pumpkins are placed in every neighbor’s yard. Witches fly all around the city. Ghosts go trick or treat, and your kids ask your permission to watch the scariest movie ever. The scariest time of the year is finally here! It’s...
Part of learning Spanish is learning slang. Sadly, many schools don’t teach a lot of slang or not even any at all. That’s really terrible and unrealistic, because Hispanic children use colloquialisms and idioms all the time. So learning slang will make our kids hold...