Rawr! Ooh oooh, aah aah! Auuu! Oh my god! What is that? Is there a tiger around us? No, wait, it’s a monkey… No, I think it’s a wolf! Oh no, wait, you just arrived at the perfect blog to learn wild animal names in Spanish. So, no worries. This is great news! Not only...
Happy 2025! Are you ready to achieve your Spanish goals this year? Well, here at TruFluency Kids we want to help you! And we want to do it in a fun way! We have a Spanish challenge for you and your whole family! Below you’ll find a Spanish activity for you to do every...
Have you heard of vision boards? They’re everywhere lately! They’re collages full of images and words that represent the goals and dreams that you want to achieve for your new year. So, they’re completely customized to yourself and your life. A lot of people make them...
Did you know that DIY projects have many benefits for kids? Well, you better believe it! First of all, you can entertain them for hours with a cool crafting project. On top of that, they’ll also improve their motor skills and their creativity, can develop...
One of the things kids enjoy the most in life is animals! It’s so much fun to discover new cute animal faces. As well as copy the “rawr” of the lion and the “moo” of the cows, learn about their habitats, and find out their names. That’s why animals are also a great...