Learn Spanish with Bluey

Learn Spanish with Bluey

If you clicked on this blog it’s because we’re sure you’ve heard of Bluey. That adorable, cute, curious, bright and breezy puppy all kids love nowadays. It’s not surprising at all. Lately, the popularity of this cartoon has gone through the roof. And it’s all because...
Do Certain TV Programs Help More with Language Learning?

Do Certain TV Programs Help More with Language Learning?

Watching TV is one of the easiest things your kids can do to improve their second-language skills. They’ll acquire vocabulary and hear the correct pronunciation. All while being entertained! This is one kind of screen time we endorse 100%. But before you hand the kids...
TFK Tik Tok Spanish Lesson: How to Express Disgust in Spanish

TFK Tik Tok Spanish Lesson: How to Express Disgust in Spanish

@trufluencykidsspanish Today we are exploring how to express disgust in spanish. ✨️🤢 #raisingbilingualkids #spanishasasecondlanguage #bilingualproblems #bilingualkids #learnspanishfast #latinamoms #aprendeespañol ♬ original sound - trufluencykidsspanish Feeling...
Why Does Immersion Work Well for Children?

Why Does Immersion Work Well for Children?

@trufluencykidsspanish Today our founder shares her take on immersive langugage vs. regular langugage classes. #nosabokids #bilingualkids #edutok #AprendeEnTikTok #aprendeespañol #latinamoms #raisingbilingualkids #bilingualproblems ♬ Legends Are Made - Sam Tinnesz Hi,...
Does Dual Language Actually Get Kids Fluent?

Does Dual Language Actually Get Kids Fluent?

@trufluencykidsspanish Does dual language work? And if it does, what exactly is needed for it to work? And what level of Spanish will my child have? #languageresearch #languagenerd #languageacquisition #spanishclass #duallanguageteacher #duallanguageclassroom...
TikTok Spanish Lesson: Real-Life Phrases with “¿Te gusta?”

TikTok Spanish Lesson: Real-Life Phrases with “¿Te gusta?”

@trufluencykidsspanish In Trufluency Kids we teach your kids phrases they sill actually use in the real word and not just random vocabulary words. #aprendeespañol #bilingualmoms #nosabokids #spanishasasecondlanguage #raisingbilingualkids #raisingbilingual...