MicahHi everyone, I’m Micah, founder of TruFluency Kids Spanish Immersion Classes for Kids online, here with my buddy Alex. AlexHello! MicahAnd we’re doing our weekly Spanish Phrase to help parents who don’t speak Spanish to incorporate it. So Alex, you told me that...
Language is an important aspect of cultural identity. The easiest way culture can be shared from one generation to the next is through language. Do you speak more than one language? If not, the One Parent One Language (OPOL) Bilingual Method may be a new term for you....
Have you been looking for an enriching project you and your kids can enjoy together? One idea is to learn Spanish as a family. After all, learning Spanish has many benefits for both adults and kids. Becoming fluent in Spanish can open up educational and professional...
Easy Spanish Phrases to Teach Your Kids in the Bathroom Soapy water, bubbles, splashing and maybe a rubber toy floating in the tub – all telltale signs that you are heading to the bathroom. For kids, this can be something that they look forward to but maybe...
What is OPOL? One person, one language. Seems simple enough, doesn’t it? Especially when the “people” are parents in a household, trying to raise bilingual children! As the story goes, OPOL requires that each parent speak to the child/ren only in their dominant...
Learning a new language can be a lot of fun. In fact, according to many studies, some advantages of getting a new language under your belt include improved brain function and memory, better multi-tasking skills and boosted creativity, just to name a few. One such...