Raising Multilingual Kids: A Language Expert’s Top 5 Hacks

Raising Multilingual Kids: A Language Expert’s Top 5 Hacks

As a language expert, founder of TruFluency Kids Spanish immersion school, and a mom to a young daughter, I get a lot of questions from parents who want to help their kids become fluent in a second language. Those parents are often curious about my “hacks” for...
Does Dual Language Really Work?

Does Dual Language Really Work?

You’re raising bilingual children — awesome! So we’re going to bet that you’ve probably already heard about dual-language programs. Maybe you’ve even considered enrolling your kids in one. But that brings up questions: What are dual-language programs? And will they...
Why Does Immersion Work Well for Children?

Why Does Immersion Work Well for Children?

@trufluencykidsspanish Today our founder shares her take on immersive langugage vs. regular langugage classes. #nosabokids #bilingualkids #edutok #AprendeEnTikTok #aprendeespañol #latinamoms #raisingbilingualkids #bilingualproblems ♬ Legends Are Made - Sam Tinnesz Hi,...
Does Dual Language Actually Get Kids Fluent?

Does Dual Language Actually Get Kids Fluent?

@trufluencykidsspanish Does dual language work? And if it does, what exactly is needed for it to work? And what level of Spanish will my child have? #languageresearch #languagenerd #languageacquisition #spanishclass #duallanguageteacher #duallanguageclassroom...