It’s not just you: Getting kids to respond in their non-native language can be super hard! Even if they’re going to a second-language school, they might still struggle to answer using their new vocabulary. After trying and trying to encourage them, you might be wondering if there’s something you’re doing wrong or that you could do better.

Well, first off, don’t be too harsh on yourself. You’re already doing something great for your kids: Helping them learn a new language. (Since you clicked on this blog article, we’re betting that they’re learning Spanish, one of the best languages to learn!)

Second, we have an idea on the #1 mistake you might be making if your kid is struggling to respond in Spanish. It’s quite a common mistake that parents of bilingual kids make. But don’t worry — it has a solution.

Why Doesn’t My Kid Respond in Spanish?

So what’s that common mistake you’re making if your kids struggle to respond in Spanish?

You’re letting them respond in English.

Yep. It’s really that simple.

Whether you’re learning Spanish together as a family or you’re a native speaker, there’s only one way to make sure kids can speak Spanish. And that’s making them speak Spanish.

You might be thinking that this is easier said than done. And you’re not wrong. But believe us: Your kids will thank you later when they speak fluent Spanish.

Why TV Shows with Songs Are Great for Language Learning

If you don’t make your kid respond in Spanish, then they’ll use the easier language — in other words, the one they hear most often. For most of you reading this, that language will be English.

If they continue to avoid responding in Spanish, they could turn into passive bilinguals. If you’ve never heard this term, it refers to people who can understand a language when it’s being spoken, but cannot speak it themselves.

If that’s your goal, it’s totally fine! But if it’s not, then letting them answer in their mother tongue will be a problem when it comes to developing fluency.

There are many adults who regret not practicing their Spanish skills early on in life. Now they understand the language, but they can’t use it fluently during a conversation.

They don’t get the full benefits of bilingualism when they’re traveling to Spanish-speaking areas, making Hispanic friends, or applying for a job abroad that requires Spanish fluency.

Give Your Child the Gift of Spanish!

More Tips to Help Your Kid Respond in Spanish

Still struggling to coax out those Spanish replies? No worries. Our founder, Micah Bellieu, has three tips to help your kids to respond to you in Spanish.

We also recommend that you check our blog articles with questions and answers in Spanish. These are a great source of ideas on what to ask your kids and the Spanish words and phrases they can use to answer back. Practicing these exchanges can help prepare kids for using Spanish in real life.

Who Can Help My Kid Speak Fluent Spanish?

Let us know whether you’re hearing more Spanish replies from your kids after using our suggestions! And, again, pat yourself on the back for all that you’re doing to bring Spanish into your kids’ lives.

Even if they roll their eyes at you when you tell them to answer in Spanish, they’ll be really happy someday that you didn’t give up on them.

If you’re looking for more ways to give your kids practice in Spanish, we invite you to check out our classes at TruFluency Kids. With instructors who are native Spanish speakers, we teach through immersion based on our Bellieu Method.

The whole class environment is in Spanish, with barely any English used. Your kids will acquire the language naturally as they enjoy fun activities, like singing, playing games, and storytelling in Spanish.

Take a 30-minute trial class! After the class, participate in a Q & A to answer any question you may have.
Helping your kids become fluent in Spanish is work, but it’s so worth it. We’d love the chance to help!